NFÜ National
Development Agency


Infoline from Hungary:
06 40 638-638
Infoline from abroad:
+36-1-474-9180 (Hungarian only)

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Dear Visitor, welcome to the website of the National Development Agency.

Under the New Széchenyi Plan, for closing-up of the country HUF 8000 billion is available from Hungarian central budget and European Union funds for 2007-2013.. The allocation of such a huge amount of funds requires thorough preparations and planning based on extensive social partnership and in Hungary NDA is responsible for the related functions.

The institution is responsible inter alia for the following: co-ordination of the operational programmes ‘planning; monitoring of their implementation; finalisation of the calls for applications; selection of projects within development or investment domain where support can be awarded; operation of the related system of institutions; administration of the necessary EU consultations and preparation of the prescribed documents.

To achieve the-closing-up objectives, the funds may be allocated to seven sectoral and seven regional areas under the so-called operational programmes. Within NDA, so-called Managing Authorities have been set up for the implementation of the tasks of each operational programme, which contribute to the finalisation of the operational programmes, the specification of the necessary documents, and consultations with the European Commission to agree upon them. They take part in budget planning and, with the involvement of the intermediate bodies, they manage the implementation of the announced calls for applications and the central programmes. NDA co-ordinates the implementation of several support programmes with third countries outside the European Union, and the announcement of the calls for the tenders of the Innovation Fund financed from domestic resources.

Furthermore, NDA takes an active part in planning the budget for the 2014-2020 development cycle, in the establishment of what are the most favourable support and related resources drawing conditions for Hungary.  


NDA website: target population, subject matter, methods of communication

The website is meant to inform the broader public of the support options, their objectives, and the results of the calls for applications.

It promotes the fast orientation of prospective applicants, the media staff and visitors interested in the allocation of the development funds by providing
- full-scale, up-to-date application information broken down by topic,
- application news, communications, topical pieces of information,
- monitoring of application-related social consultations,
- background materials, analyses,
- a diary of forthcoming development policy events,
- call centre access data and
- easy-to-use search function for calls for and results of applications, respectively.

On the Application Information surface, applicants may, following registration, obtain information on their own application/project, track the course of the application, take part in e-administration and download guides, publicity guideline manuals and components thereof to meet their information supply obligations.

NDA uses the website also to meet its other information supply obligations under the law (e.g. “transparent pocket”).