NFÜ National
Development Agency


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06 40 638-638
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Structure of the Financial Outlook

The Commission’s proposal of February 2004 subdivided the structure of expenditures according the following five chapters:

1. Sustainable growth

1.a Competitiveness promoting growth and employment

Raising the standard of education and training, supporting research and technological development, as well as enterprises, developing and connecting fisheries infrastructure, employment and social policy. 

1.b Cohesion promoting growth and employment
 The three sub-areas of the cohesion priority are the following:

- Convergence: closing the economic development gap of member states and regions  furthest lagging behind;
- Increasing competitiveness and the level of employment in the case of the other regions and member states;
- Cross-boarder and trans-national territorial cooperation.

2. Natural resources management

Implementation of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy agreed upon in June 2003, including rural development and fisheries reform. Implementing new tasks and commitments in connection with the sustainable environment.

3. EU for its citizens

- Area of freedom, security and justice: justice and home affairs, with special regard to the common immigration and refugee policy and the protection of external boundaries. 
- Proximity to citizens and public services
- Preservation of European culture and cultural diversity

4. The EU as a global partner

Foreign relations, policy vis-à-vis new neighbouring countries, aid, trade, pre-accession assistance

5. Administrative expenditure (Only other types of expenditure not connecting to the above-chapters, e.g.: maintaining European Schools.)

In view of how an agreement was not reached in connection with the 7-year financial framework under the Luxembourg Presidency, it will be up to the British Presidency to conclude this agreement during the second half of 2005.