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The Joint Slovak-Hungarian Development Programme is now ready 1 June 2007

The two governments – following EU approval – will launch joint Slovak-Hungarian developments to the value of 216 million Euro within the framework of European territorial cooperation, which target the strengthening of the economic and social integration of the border region. The two EU member states have set the target of strengthening the economic competitiveness of the border region, increasing social and cultural coherence amongst people and communities and improving access and information exchange.

The document bearing the official title „Hungary-Slovakia Cross-Border Cooperation Operational Programme” covers the 2007-2013 planning period. The Regional Development Fund ensures 85% of its financing, whilst the participating member states ensure a governmental contribution equivalent to 10% of financing requirements. Final beneficiaries using the funding will provide the remaining 5% in the case of each individual project. 176 million Euros of EU funding will be used within the framework of the programme, which together with national contributions will ensure a rate of 216 million Euros worth of joint development in the concerned regions. The following counties will be participating in Hungary: Győr–Moson–Sopron, Komárom–Esztergom, Pest, Heves, Borsod–Abaúj–Zemplén és Szabolcs–Szatmár–Bereg megye, as well as Budapest. The following counties are their Slovak partners: Pozsony, Nagyszombat, Nyitra, Besztercebánya and Kassa.

The Hungarian and Slovak government is anticipated to approve the development programme in June, following which it will be submitted to the European Commission. Joint organisations are responsible for the general coordination of the programme; therefore, amongst others, the Joint Monitoring Committee, which is designated with the task of operating the joint application system, as well as selecting and approving projects. Calls for applications are anticipated to be published at the end of 2007, beginning of 2008. In the course of assessment, tendering organisations will pay particular attention to granting funding to good quality and explicitly justified projects that truly have a cross-border impact.
It will also be possible to apply for the establishment of cross-border business and economic infrastructure, or developing the background of the currently available infrastructure. Joint sector cooperation, such as clusters, are eligible to receive a share of the funding, as well as information services for small and medium-size enterprises operating in both countries. The development of joint tourism products, as well as setting up and modernising the infrastructure connecting to these will be prioritised. Harmonising water management, flood and pollution prevention, setting up flood warning systems, building dams and improving the water quality will be especially prioritised.

The development of national parks and nature reserves spanning across the border will be particularly prioritised in the area of nature conservation cooperation. It is necessary to develop the transport infrastructure connecting settlements located along the border in order to stimulate economic relations. All this implies road and bicycle road construction, as well as establishing regular community cross-border railway, road and air transport connections. This includes ensuring better border crossing opportunities on rivers, as well as the development of the ferry network and its service infrastructure.

The programme also supports training programmes that help engender mutual understanding, as well as activities targeting identity and conservation of traditions, namely: museums, libraries, community centres, cooperation between theatres, in addition to the protection of cultural, artistic and folklore values.

The National Development Agency is responsible for the implementation of the programme in Hungary, whilst the Ministry of Building and Regional Development is responsible for its implementation in Slovakia.