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342 billion HUF for improving the quality of life: the first environmental protection tender package17 September 2007

The first tender package targeting quality of life implemented through co-financing within the framework of the New Hungary Development Plan will be launched on 18 September – announced Gordon Bajnai, Minister of Local Government and Regional Development and Gábor Fodor, Minister of Environmental Protection at one of the project venues of the Budapest Central Wastewater Treatment Plant. A total of 342 billion HUF can be applied for up till the end of 2008 within the framework of the ten calls for applications that have now been published. New calls for applications will be announced in November as a continuation of the programme.

Local governments may invest over half of the funding - namely, 188 billion HUF - of tender package framework targeting the improvement of the quality of life in the development of the wastewater system and treatment facilities in their respective settlements. This is the first time that it is possible to apply for individual wastewater treatment installations, which offer a solution for settlements that cannot be connected to the sewerage network in an economically viable manner. The objective is to extend the network and have 80% of settlements connected to the sewerage network by 2015, in addition to ensuring the biological treatment of 100% of wastewater discharged.

The fact that almost 900 settlements in Hungary representing a population of over 2 million residents drink bad quality tap water is a serious health problem. In many areas the water has arsenic, boric, nitrite or ammonium contents. Funding to the value of 56 billion HUF has been made available in this tender round, whilst a total of 200 billion HUF shall be made available for local governments for improving the quality of drinking water up to 2013. The objective is for 100% of the population to have access to clean water by 2015.



The programme targeting the treatment of abandoned or closed waste dumps and providing a tendering framework of 60 billion HUF is also to be announced for local governments and local government associations. Through these means it is possible to reduce the environmental load often caused by facilities polluting surface and underground waters.
The three nature protection calls for applications that have now been published target the conservation of protected flora and fauna species in protected natural areas, as well as the conservation and reconstruction of botanical gardens, arboretums and estate-mansion gardens.

Reducing energy demand and using environmentally friendly sources of renewable energy (e.g. biomass, geo-thermal, solar-, hydro- and wind energy) are the two main pillars of the sustainable energy policy in Hungary. Funding to the value of 24 billion HUF will be made available for enterprises, non-profit organisations and public institutions within the framework of these calls for applications for reaching these goals. In addition to exploiting sources of renewable energy, priority tasks primarily relate to the modernisation of heating supply systems, as well as lighting and heating systems. Moreover, over 6 billion HUF shall be made available for environmental protection IT developments, namely: digitalisation, database development and electronic administration.

The second tender package targeting the improvement of the quality of life will be launched in November, within which framework the programme will be continued by implementing tasks relating to flood protection, water quality protection, waste management and the elimination of environmental damages.


Summary of calls for applications

 Scheme theme  Priority  Scheme  Name of scheme  Available funding (billion HUF)

Water management

Clean and healthy settlements

EEOP 1.2

Waste water drainage and treatment


Water management

Clean and healthy settlements

EEOP 1.3

Water quality improvement


Waste management

Quality management of our waters

EEOP 2.3

Creating regional level re-cultivation systems for municipal sold waste dump sites


Nature protection

Quality management of our natural values

EEOP 3.1.1

Natural habitat protection and restoration; reducing the impacts of linear structures causing damages to natural habitats


Nature protection

Quality management of our natural values

EEOP 3.1.2

Natural habitat protection and restoration; reducing the impacts of linear structures causing damages to natural habitats


Nature protection

Quality management of our natural values

EEOP 3.1.3

Conservation and restoration of herbariums and protected historical gardens



Increasing the use of sources of renewable energy

EEOP 4.1.1

Supporting the generation of thermal and/or electrical energy



Efficient energy use

EEOP 5.1.1

Improving energy efficiency



Efficient energy use

EEOP 5.1.2

Third party financing – improving energy efficiency


Environmental protection

Sustainable lifestyle and consumption

EEOP 6.3

IT developments in public administration targeting environmental protection (e- environmental protection)


Environmental protection

Developing the appeal of the region

CHOP 3.3.4.

IT developments in public administration targeting environmental protection (e- environmental protection)
