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Business infrastructure tender package12 September 2007

20 times more funding for the development of the business environment of regions – quality development is the objective.

The tender package that is now being launched by the National Development Agency has set the objective of developing industrial parks, industrial zones and incubation houses located in the regions. In relation to the amount spent on this during the 2004-2006 period, over 34 billion HUF has been allocated for this within the framework of the regional operational programmes.

Having increased the number of centres, the objective of the developments is to improve the quality of services provided by industrial parks and incubation houses, as an impact of which infrastructure use in every region would exceed the target value of 50%. Developing and extending the scope of services contributes to improving the competitiveness of enterprises with sites in industrial parks, in addition to facilitating the increase of working capital investments in the region.

Not only the winner is a winner
According to estimates, approximately 160 projects will be approved within the framework of this particular scheme. 191 industrial parks currently operate in Hungary; therefore, each currently operating industrial park or incubation house has a good chance for applying for the development of their services, introducing new services, or increasing the size of the built-in area. The level of employment will also increase as a result of the new developments in industrial parks and service units; moreover, the development of the business infrastructure also has a positive impact on the research capacity, marketability and networking of enterprises.

Environmental protection criteria are equally validated in the course of developments, since, as regards applications, priority is given to brown-field sites over green-field developments.

Funding is available for the development of industrial parks and incubation houses within the framework of the calls for application of the regional operational programmes that have recently been announced, whilst the calls for applications of the Economic Development Operational Programme ensure opportunities for developing so-called inter-modal centres, as well as regional logistics centres equally playing play a key role in terms of environmental protection.



Summary of calls for applications

Region Theme of the call for application

Central Transdanubia

Establishing regionally balanced and attractive site industrial zone infrastructure

7.014 billion HUF

Central Hungary

Developing the services and infrastructure of the development facilities of enterprises

6.82 billion HUF

North Hungary

Development of regionally balanced industrial zones of regional and local significance

6.649 billion HUF

South Transdanubia

Supporting the development of the business infrastructure (industrial parks, incubation houses, brown field sites)

5.055 billion HUF

North Great Plain

Promoting incubation

3.006 billion HUF

West Pannon

Development of the investment environment – supporting industrial parks, industrial zones and incubation houses

2.97 billion HUF

South Great Plain

Infrastructure development of industrial parks, industrial zones and incubation houses

2.881 billion HUF