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EU application targeting quality vocational and adult training20 September 2007

If you are operating a vocational institution and wish to develop a more cost-efficient institution better adjusted to labour market expectations and student needs, then this application is just the one you have been looking for. Several hundreds of millions of HUF of EU funding is now available for developing vocational training in your institution.

Who is eligible to apply?  
Funding bodies implementing any type of „Regional Integrated Vocational Training Centre” (RIVTC) model defined within the scope of the Act on vocational training, in addition to vocational training associations, non-profit business organisations not established by state or local government funding bodies, as well as vocational training associations established by funding bodies or business organisations taking part in the organisation of vocational training. Institutions that are beneficiaries of Priority 3 of the Human Resource Development Programme, or organisations that have been approved funding for developing vocational training institutions, or undertaking activities in connection with vocational training within the framework of Priority 4 of any of the regional operational programmes are not eligible to submit projects. As regards new types of higher educational vocational training, higher education institutions are eligible to receive funding if the activities to be undertaken in project they wish to submit do not relate to the activities they have been approved funding for within the framework of Priority 3 of the Human Resource Development Programme.     

The seat of RIVTC can be located in any region except for the Central Hungary Region.  

What is funding granted for?
Funding is granted for any type of organisational development activity targeting the harmonisation of the human resource policy of vocational training institutions and the curricula of these. Integration of disadvantaged individuals and individuals dropping out of the education system in the vocational training system, as well as developing employee competencies are also key objectives to be supported. The development of vocational training organised on the basis of training guidelines and ratio defined at a regional level, as well as vocational training institutions cooperating in school enrolment at a national level and operating within the framework of RIVTC are eligible for support.    

How much is the funding?
In the first round, the hosts of approved projects are granted authorisation to apply in the second round, within the framework of which the maximum rate of non-reimbursable type funding available is equivalent to a minimum of 100 million HUF and a maximum of 400 million HUF. The good news is that it is even possible to finance all eligible project expenditures, i.e. 100% of the project, from EU funding once the project is approved.     

How can you apply?
Deadline date for the receipt of applications: 8 October 2007 to 7 January 2008. Applications are to be submitted to: ESF European Social Fund National Implementing Agency Public Service Company (ESF PLC) 1385 Budapest, Postafiók 818. Reference number: SROP-2.2.3/07/2. Visit to download documents, or read about other relevant and useful information.