NFÜ National
Development Agency


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06 40 638-638
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Public consultation of the call for applications „Supporting alternative labour market programmes (SROP 1.4.1.A)” is under way 9 October 2007

The objective of the scheme is to support alternative labour market projects ensuring the highest possible degree of professional flexibility for organisations (non-profit, local government and state bodies, institutions) recognising local needs. The aim is to raise the level of employment by facilitating the permanent employment, as well as integration in the workplace and social integration of disadvantaged and unemployed people through a complex labour market programme based on individual capabilities and needs.

Date of publication: 9 October 2007
Consultation period: 9 October 2007 – midday 20 October 2007

Complex intervention is needed to improve the social participation of disadvantaged people. Integration in society and employment is only a realistic opportunity for the most disadvantaged social groups, if these people receive coordinated help through several means. Since poverty and exclusion from the labour market is more common amongst social groups suffering from multiple disadvantage, in addition to providing complex help, in the course of action and re-integration in the labour market, it is necessary to take steps to establish an accommodating environment, as well as equal opportunity oriented and discrimination-free social and economic conditions.

Projects must be adjusted to the unique situation, special needs and individual skills and competencies of the target groups, as well as the characteristics of the local labour market and economic opportunities.
Disadvantaged people – for various reasons and in terms of the labour market – are the only eligible target group of the projects.

Please send opinions and recommendations in connection with the call for applications up to midday 20 October to the following e-mail address:
We wish to draw your attention to how we are only able to register opinions sent back in the downloadable questionnaire in the course of public consultation. Please use the questionnaire in all cases!

In compliance with the principle of transparency, we will ensure access to all recommendations received in writing in the course of public consultation of the calls for applications, also providing the name of the organisation making the recommendation, on the website of the National Development Agency.