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Renewal of community transport15 October 2007

The National Development Agency initiated the public consultation of first tender package of the regional programmes targeting the development of community transport. Concerned organisations and parties interested may present their opinions and put forth recommendations in connection with the call for applications up till 27 October.

Date of publication: 15 October 2007
Consultation period: 15 October 2007 – 27 October 2007

It is a day-to-to-day experience that it is only possible to encourage a higher proportion of the population to use public transport, i.e. community transport services, instead of the increasingly used individual motorised means of transport, by providing high standard services. It will soon be possible to build and restore infrastructure, transport safety, traffic control and direction devices and facilities in order to make intercity and urban transport faster and safer.   

The rate of funding available in the South Great Plain over a 2-year period is equivalent to 3 115 million HUF. Local governments and local government associations may either apply individually or within the framework of consortiums with transport company partners. State transport development companies constitute a further potential sphere of beneficiaries. The EU finances 90% of expenditures.   

Poor quality roads often cause problems in the North Great Plain Region. The lack of bus hubs and bus lanes is a problem in cities, which considerable slows down the speed and efficiency of transport. The call for applications with a funding framework of 2 billion HUF targeting local governments and organisations providing public transport services to be announced very shortly should contribute to resolving these problems. It will possible to apply for EU funding of 20-400 million HUF to build and modernise service facilities, waiting rooms, shelters, stands and transfer points.

A rate of funding of 1 billion HUF can be invested in these types of objectives, or similar ones in the central Hungary region. An additional rate of EU funding of 943 million HUF will be available in the central region for developing community transport junctions and parking stations, as well as for improving parking conditions.   

The long-awaited Danube docks development may also be launched in the central region. Within the framework of the tender scheme of 1 382 billion HUF, it will be possible to submit applications targeting the modernisation of the dock infrastructure of boat services running according to schedule, landscaping and connecting river dredging, building handicap access and developing the public utility infrastructure.     

The tender scheme targeting the improvement of the safety of the highway-crossing network will be announced within the framework of the South Transdanubia Operational Programme. In addition to reducing the speed of vehicles in residential zones cut in two by busy roads, it is equally necessary to suitably develop pedestrian crossover points. Within the framework of this tender scheme, it is possible to apply for EU-co-financing for the development of pedestrian islands, footpaths leading to bus stops, as well as setting up speed reduction and traffic calming instruments. The concerned local governments and major state transport development companies are eligible to apply for a funding framework of 1 511 billion HUF
Most recently, it is equally perceivable in the West Pannon region that the proportion of individuals using community transport is continually declining, and a higher number of commuters are using individual means of transport due to the poor state of the community transport infrastructure, sub-standard quality transfer points, as well as the lack of coordination of schedules. Environmental loads are continually increasing in line with the higher proportion of use of individual means of transport, which represents an increasingly serious problem in the inner areas of cities.  

Developments facilitating intermodality, improving the efficiency of community transport and facilitating regional coordination have been defined for dealing with the above-outlined problems within the framework of the call for applications that have just been presented for public consultation. 1 600 million HUF is available in this region for implementing all these objectives.  

Please send opinions and recommendations in connection with the call for applications up to midday 27 October to the e-mail addresses provided.
We wish to draw your attention to how we are only able to register opinions sent back in the downloadable questionnaire in the course of public consultation. Please use the questionnaire in all cases!  

In compliance with the principle of transparency, we will ensure access to all recommendations received in writing in the course of public consultation of the calls for applications, also providing the name of the organisation making the recommendation, on the website of the National Development Agency.