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Public consultation of the two calls for applications targeting the establishment and development of out-patient services is under way12 October 2007

The objective of the calls for applications „Setting up and developing micro-regional out-patient clinics” (SIOP 2.1.2) and „Developing out-patient services replacing active hospital care” (SIOP 2.1.3) presented for public consultation today is to develop the professional standard of out-patient care services, as well as access to out-patient services.

Date of publication: 12 October 2007
Consultation period: 12 October 2007 – midday 24 October 2007
Inequalities in access are currently one of the most serious structural problems of the institutional system for out-patient services. This in part implies that significant disparities exist even in the case of basic professions as regards capacities provided for 10 000 residents, whilst on the hand, it also suggests that there are many settlements in the country where access to out-patient services is not ensured within a distance of 15 km. The structure of the healthcare provision system is largely hospital-centric, which significantly and in many cases prolongs the period and increases the costs of treatment in an unjustified way. At the same time, access to services provided at hospitals is also limited due to the concentrated location of hospitals. The two calls for applications currently presented for public consultation will help reduce these regional disparities and improve the standard of services provided. Developments implemented within the framework of these schemes contribute to establishing territorial equalization and improving access and ensuring equal access to the health system. At the same time, the services to be offered by the service providers to be set up will replace more expensive services, in addition to improving patient recovery potentials by providing early treatment ensured by improving access.

Please send opinions and recommendations in connection with the call for applications up to midday 24 October to the e-mail addresses provided.
We wish to draw your attention to how we are only able to register opinions sent back in the downloadable questionnaire in the course of public consultation. Please use the questionnaire in all cases!  

In compliance with the principle of transparency, we will ensure access to all recommendations received in writing in the course of public consultation of the calls for applications, also providing the name of the organisation making the recommendation, on the website of the National Development Agency.