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Development Agency


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Public Consultation of the 10 calls for applications targeting the improvement of the quality of life and announced in the 2nd round of the Environment and Energy Operational Programme is under way10 October 2007

The National Development Agency has initiated the public consultation of 10 environmental protection tender schemes to be launched on 6 November. The calls for applications to be published are the continuation of the Vásárhelyi Plan; they support water protection, the improvement of the quality of water, investments reducing pollution, in addition to encouraging investments targeting the protection of drinking water supplies, as well as the elimination of pollution in polluted areas. Beyond calls for applications targeting water matters, it will also possible to support the preparation of waste management projects and the infrastructure development of forest schools, as well as projects supporting training and curriculum development connecting to this.

Date of publication: 10 October 2007
Consultation period: 10 October 2007 – 24 October 2007

The continuation of the Vásárhelyi Plan has been launched within the framework of a two-round tendering procedure by developing the flood protection safety of the Tisza Valley region concurrently to developing the concerned region itself. The EU supports the plan by providing a rate of funding of 106 billion HUF. The operational programme ensures resources for the National Environmental and Water Directorate and the concerned Environment and Water Directorates for the preparation of specific projects.

The urgent implementation of flood protection development at sites and plants managed by the local government in settlements where flood protection lines have either not been built, or are not safe enough is of public interest, as is the construction of flood protection lines providing the necessary protection for residents. The local governments of the concerned settlements are eligible to submit applications; the first round concerns project preparation, whilst the second round relates to project implementation.

It will be possible to implement complex water protection, water quality improvement and pollution reduction investments of priority waters through EU co-financing. Our major lakes (Lake Balaton, Lake Velence, Lake Fertő and Lake Tisza) and our particularly sensitive surface waters (Ráckeve-Soroksár Danube (RSD), Szigetköz, Mosoni-Duna, Lajta) are the potential target areas of the 58 billion HUF developments. State water management organisations will implement the investments in these locations, following first round preparation.

Local governments and state institutions are eligible to apply for 1 billion HUF within the framework of the one-round tender targeting the protection of water supplies operating in vulnerable geological environments, establishing the grounds of investments targeting safe landfilling and carrying out diagnostics assessments required for this. Water directorates taking part in the restricted tender are also eligible to invest 1 billion HUF in the assessment of Hungary’s future (currently not in operation) water supply potentials, as well as safe preservation of these.

Reducing the level of pollution of geological structures and underground waters in Hungary by eliminating pollution in polluted areas and carrying out technological interventions is a task that has been much needed for a long time. From now on, EU co-financing of 8.31 billion HUF will help project hosts achieve this. In accordance with the EU Water Framework Directive, good quality surface and underground waters must be achieved in member states by 2015, which state must be sustainable. Member states are required to compile so-called Water Basin Management Plans for Basin Districts (partial basins, as well as basins located in the territory of the country) located in the territory of the member state. In 2007-2008, competent water authorities have the opportunity to invest 2.5 billion HUF for this purpose within the framework of a one-round restricted tender procedure.