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Development Agency


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The higher education infrastructure and innovation calls for applications of the New Hungary Development Plan published on 17 October focus on research and development and innovation17 October 2007

Hungary has spent 110 billion HUF on higher education infrastructure development over the course of the past 17 years. We are now able to invest a huge amount up to the end of 2010, since we will be able to spend approximately 85 billion HUF of EU funding in this area. Since at least 75% of the framework must be invested in the development of the areas of mathematics, technology and IT, as well as natural sciences, we will be able to modernise 80% of the infrastructure.

Beyond this funding, in order to make Hungarian higher education competitive, calls for applications targeting curriculum development in connection the Bologna Process, reforming teacher’s training or activities fostering the work of talented students and teachers will also be published in the near future. Consequently, the number of students enrolled in technology and natural science courses will increase by 15% by 2010. This is an essential precondition for making the Hungarian economy competitive.

In order to achieve this, as a first step, the National Development Agency is about to publish a call for applications allocated a framework of 28 billion HUF from the 4-year higher educational infrastructure framework of 85 billion HUF. Moreover, an additional higher education tender package with a 2 billion HUF funding framework will be available in the Central Hungary region. Within this framework, higher education institutes will be able to apply for the construction and development of buildings and laboratories used for educational, research and innovation purposes, complex spaces used by students and teachers and for research, as well as info-communication development used for research and educational purposes.    

Calls for applications with an additional framework of 21.7 billion HUF will be added to this package at the beginning of 2008.