NFÜ National
Development Agency


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Public consultation of the call for applications ”Developing the capacity of interest representation organisations” of the Social Renewal Operational Programme is under way25 October 2007

Please send opinions and recommendations in connection with the call for applications up to 7 November to the Agency to the e-mail addresses provided.

Date of publication: 24 October 2007
Consultation period: 24 October 2007 – 7 November 2007

Interest representation organisations (social partner organisations and non-profit organisations) are the key players of Hungarian interest reconciliation and social discourse structures. Social partners represent their membership, as well as the interests of concerned parties in the course of interest reconciliation in labour issues and social discourse, whilst non-profit interest representation organisations represent their membership and the interests of concerned parties in the course of public consultation in issues that have a significant impact on society. General capacity shortages are characteristic of both organisation systems.

The objectives of the assistance are implemented within the framework of 3 components, namely:
Component A) – Development of employee and employer interest representation organisations
The requirement for social partners to dispose of appropriate professional capacities and information necessary for undertaking interest representation is a precondition for effective social partnership. At present, these requirements are only partially satisfied. Therefore, the objective of the call for applications relates to strengthening the human resource capacity and expertise of organisations, in addition to increasing operational efficiency by implementing organisational development, in order for these organisations to be able to take part in interest reconciliation and social discourse in an increasingly effective manner, as well as represent and validate their interests.

Component B) – Setting up employee and employer legal aid services
Facilitating employees to become entrepreneurs is one type of labour-market instrument. Providing basic legal knowledge, advice and assistance in connection with setting up and launching a company – which is currently only available at a high cost – would facilitate the effective application of this. Consequently, setting up a legal aid service network providing free legal assistance – if needed - for employees, employers and individuals willing to become entrepreneurs is therefore justified.

Component C) – Developing the capacity of non-profit umbrella organisations undertaking interest representation
The objective of the component is to develop the professional and territorial scope, standard and legitimacy of non-profit interest representation action, in addition to reinforcing wide-scope public consultation. Funding is primarily granted for establishing and operating non-profit cooperation networks underpinning interest representation and networking organisations, as well as for the development of the profile and policies of institutionalised non-profit interest representation organisations.
Organisations eligible to apply: organisations that dispose of a valid order issued by the court in connection with registration at least one year prior to the date of posting the application.

Please send opinions and recommendations in connection with the call for applications up to 7 November to the e-mail addresses provided.

We wish to draw your attention to how we are only able to register opinions sent back in the downloadable questionnaire in the course of public consultation. Please use the questionnaire in all cases!

In compliance with the principle of transparency, we will ensure access to all recommendations received in writing in the course of public consultation of the calls for applications, also providing the name of the organisation making the recommendation, on the website of the National Development Agency.