NFÜ National
Development Agency


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Public consultation of the call for applications „Micro-regional outpatient healthcare services in the Central Hungary regions (KMOP 4.3.2.)” is under way 8 November 2007

Public consultation of the call for applications „Micro-regional outpatient healthcare services in the Central Hungary regions (KMOP 4.3.2.)” is under way. Please send remarks and recommendations in connection with the call for applications up to 16 November to the email address provided.

Date of publication: 8 November 2007

Consultation period: 8 November – 16 November 2007

The objective of the call for applications is to ensure access to public healthcare services with suitable standard infrastructure for all residents living in the micro-regions of the region. 

Regional disparities arise in the region as regards the infrastructure of the healthcare system; many family health centres are in poor state and functionally independent outpatient health centre are run-down and/or under-equipped or only dispose of out-of-date equipment, and this is especially true in the case of disadvantaged regions. At the same time, due to the legislative requirement of decreasing the number of beds in the case of inpatient hospital care, some patients are and will use outpatient services. In order to resolve these problems, it is necessary to optimise healthcare services on a micro-regional basis, develop the run-down infrastructure and procure the instruments and equipment needed.    

Local governments and partners specified by the local government are eligible to apply for funding made available within the framework of the call for applications that has just been presented for public consultation. 

Please send remarks and recommendations in connection with the call for applications up to 16 November by filling in the downloadable questionnaires and send these to

We wish to draw your attention to how we are only able to register opinions sent back in the downloadable questionnaire in the course of public consultation, so please use the questionnaire in all cases. Documents presented for public consultation are draft documents and do not correspond to the call for applications set out in these documents.    

In compliance with the principle of transparency, we will ensure access to all recommendations received in writing in the course of public consultation of the calls for applications, also providing the name of the organisation making the recommendation, on the website of the National Development Agency.