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EU call for applications for schools – digital educational resources for modern education18 December 2007

Unprecedented development in public education has been made possible by funding granted by the European Union. Following the call for applications targeting the renovation of the buildings of public education institutions, the internal infrastructure of schools can now be renewed.

Programmes focusing on content, curriculum development and the introduction of competency-based education can now be implemented pursuant to the total of 52 billion HUF EU funding made available for developing the infrastructure of public education institutions that was announced at the beginning of September.  

As regards funding the content development of public education, all schools will be ensured uniform opportunity for catching up with the EU average in the area of IT equipment as well. The equipment that can be approved funding within the framework of the call enables the dissemination of interactive and empirical modes of education, access to up-to-date information and the acquisition of digital writing skills adjusted to the expectations of the era.   

Funding can be approved for the acquisition of educational equipment establishing basic conditions needed for competency-based education, with special regard to basic skills and competencies that can be tied to life-long learning.    

Funding bodies of schools classified as daytime educational-training institutions in accordance with the Public Education Act, namely, local governments (municipal, county, district, metropolitan), churches, non-profit organisations, as well as local government associations are eligible to apply. It is not necessary to ensure own funding and applications may be submitted from 1 February 2008 through to 31 March 2008. 

Territorial restrictions do not apply as regards the seat of the organisation submitting the application (financing body); however, the site of implementation (place of performance) cannot be located in the Central Hungary region.   

Approved applicants are eligible to submit applications directly under the pre-defined set of equipment packages. The equipment is delivered to the site(s) specified by the applicant; moreover, beyond delivery to the site, the funding also covers installation, test runs, as well as training.    

Funding is approved in the case of 5 various packages within the framework of the call, namely:

- School PC: fully equipped desktop computer (together with connecting software, hardware and accessories). 

- Classroom package: includes portable computer, projector and touch-screen interactive board. The equipment package that can be particularly used in the case of numerous pedagogical methods is capable of displaying – moreover, in an interactive way – all maps, diagrams, animations, films, virtual museums, or any other information that is also accessible on the Internet. 

- Voting package: wireless electronic voting device and receiver unit that enables the testing of all students in the class concurrently in a significantly more efficient and faster way than testing the students on a random basis, and also ensures the opportunity for immediate evaluation.     

- Web package: server equipped with suitable software that is today essential for many schools, since this piece of equipment constitutes the basis of the IT system. It is essential, for example, for the school’s website, however, is also a very useful device for maintaining simple and fast teacher-parent contacts.

- Package for students with special educational needs: digital educational equipment adjusted to the needs and abilities of persons with visual impairments, hearing impairments, deaf persons, as well as persons with disabilities. (Such as: screen reading software, special keyboard, headsets, „eye mouse”, etc.)