NFÜ National
Development Agency


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New rules for using EU funding29 January 2008

Pursuant to experiences gained during the course of the initial calls for applications announced, NDA initiated the amendment of Joint Decree 16/2006 (XII. 28.) („Decree on procedures”). Improvement in the domain of lawful conduct, speed and publicity are anticipated pursuant to the amendments made. The main amendments made are set out below; however, it is essential for all players applying the Decree to have knowledge of the amended text.

From now on, major projects will be selected within the framework of a one-round, two-round or priority project selection procedure: the special project selection procedure applied in the case of major projects has been suspended. From now on, the mode of transfer of payment, as well as the schedule for submitting requests for payment will be specified in the Application Guidelines. In addition to the list of projects approved funding, the list of rejected applications will also be published on

From now on, Project data sheets and progress reports must be submitted electronically. (However, if the project has been approved funding, but the project data sheet has not been certified by the applicant’s signature at the time of submission, amendments must be made up to the conclusion of the assistance contract at the latest.)

The amendment specifies the grounds of application of consortiums. Changes have been made to the professional criteria stipulated in connection with evaluators and the members of the Assessment Committee, namely: evaluators and committee members must dispose of at least 3 years professional experience in the area of the given scheme. NDA is authorised to raise objections in writing in connection with the members of the Assessment Committee and observers. The Decree also sets out new regulations in connection with the role and task of the regional development councils.    

In the future, it will be possible to grant and make payments without having to conclude an assistance contract. Contracting is a long process; the decision defined in the Decree would substitute this process in the case of small-scale and low-budget projects implemented within a short space of time. In all cases it will be necessary to decide whether it is necessary to conclude an assistance contract with the beneficiary or grant funding pursuant to the decision set out in the Decree at the time of the launching of the specific scheme.  

In order to reduce corruption, NDA will increase publicity in the area of public procurement, and will consequently ensure public access to reports compiled in connection with the assessment of tenders, as well as the key data of irregularity procedures identifying irregularity in connection with the public procurement procedure.