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New sewer system in Komló 1 February 2008

Gordon Bajnai inaugurated the sewer system constructed in Komló by using national and EU funding on 1 February. The Minister of Local Government and Regional Development said that the settlements that took part in the investment wanted to take advantage of this opportunity.

According to the Minister, development resources of 580 billion HUF have flown into the country over the course of the past 4 years, and the Komló micro-region also received a share of these. From now on, several times this rate of funding will be available for developing the country. It is up to the local population to decide what projects they come up with and to what extent they take developments seriously.

Komló and 6 associated settlements (Bodolyabér, Liget, Magyarhertelend, Magyarszék, Mánfa és Mecsekpölöske) were approved a total of 1.5 billion HUF of earmarked funding in 2005 for developing the sewer system costing a total of over 2.2 billion HUF. The construction of the sewer system enables these settlements to connect to the Komló wastewater treatment plant. The local government ensured own funds amounting to 0.7 billion HUF for the construction of the public utility works implemented between 2005 and 2007. Construction was completed by December 2007, as specified in the original plans. The local governments have - to date – drawn down a total of 1.2 billion HUF of earmarked funding from the budget to finance the costs of the investment.

Settlements assuming commitments for implementing the investment connected 1674 residential units to the wastewater treatment plant by constructing the 54.9 km long sewer system.

At the handing over ceremony, the Minister also informed the public about how the Micro-Credit Programme that has just bee launched will provide considerable help for the by and large 1000 small-size enterprises operating in Komló.

Following the inauguration of the investment, Gordon Bajnai listened to a report presenting the situation, problems and plans of the settlement of Sásd and the Sásd micro-region. The settlements intend to submit town rehabilitation applications, since the way in which there are space shortages at several of their institutions is a problem for these settlements. They plan to launch village renewal, sewer system and drinking water programmes, and in most cases wish to implement these investments by teaming up with the settlements of the micro-region.

In response to the question concerning the government’s strategy adopted in connection with the development of small settlements, the Minister said that residents living in the more developed parts of the country also have vested interests in helping the population living in regions lagging behind. The New Hungary Closing the Gap Programme provides help for the least favoured regions.

The Minister emphasised that beyond attracting infrastructure developments to micro-regions, it would be good to see that the development plans of these regions considerably focus on employment programmes as well.

The Minister said the following in connection with the financing of the local government system: we have no intention to close any local governments. Micro-regional cooperation and rational operation is what is needed.

In response to the series of questions raised, Gordon Bajnai said that he is going to personally visit each individual less-favoured micro-region by the end of the year. He believes that it is not possible to resolve problems from behind a desk in Budapest. EU Own Funds has increased to 15 billion HUF, primarily in order to implement developments in connection with compulsory local government tasks and tasks that have been derogated (waste water treatment, drinking water). Settlements in need of funding will be able to access these resources much easier. The rate of own funds has dropped to 5% in the case of least favoured settlements; EU Own Funds will grant funding to supplement this for local governments in need of funding.