NFÜ National
Development Agency


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Construction of new highways beginning this summer14 March 2008

The public procurement procedures of ten construction projects are being launched in March within the framework of the Transport Operational Programme (TOP). The projects affect 14 sections of 8 highways where road surface reinforcements and developments, as well as the construction of 4-lane extensions can be launched; moreover, several bypass roads around towns will also be completed.

A substantial part of the over 1700 million HUF of TOP funding will be spent on the development of the clearway and highway network. This source of funding equally enables the completion of developments that will be launched this summer on a total road stretch of 64 kilometres.

National Infrastructure Development Corporation (NIF Corp.) will publish the tenders in March and implement the public procurement procedures in the following. Monitoring of the construction process is performed after this, as are investment tasks through to giving the green light to road use.

The ten projects to be launched include the construction of the second phase of the Highway 31 bypass around Jászberény, road surface reinforcement of the stretches of Highway 4 in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, 4-lane extension of the Algyő-Hódmezővásárhely stretch of Highway 47, the third phase of the Highway 51 north bypass around Baja, road surface reinforcement of the stretches of Highway 61 in Somogy County and Zala County, construction of the Highway 74 bypass around Nagykanizsa-Palin, 4-lane extension of the Highway 86 bypass around Szombathely, as well as the construction of the Highway 88 bypass around Sárvár.