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Hungarian-Romanian cross-border cooperation agreements18 March 2008

The Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Cooperation Programme enables the establishment of successful cooperation in cross-border regions – said Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Gordon Bajnai at the programme kick-off conference held at Temesvár on 18 March.

Approximately 275 million Euros is available for the two countries for the Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Cooperation Programme running during the 2007-2013-period. The European Regional Development Fund will finance 224 million Euros of this framework to develop cross-border infrastructure, as well as economic and social cohesion. The rate of co-financing of the two countries is equivalent to 50.7 million Euros.

The first series of calls for applications within the framework of the Hungarian-Romanian cooperation programme is expected to be announced at the beginning of summer 2008.

At the programme kick-off conference Mr Gordon Bajnai emphasised that the cross-border programme ensures the opportunity for regions artificially divided by borders to close the gap and develop. The Minister highlighted that programmes implemented within a partnership framework that have a proven impact on cross-border development and sustainability and are adjusted to the development concepts of the two countries and strengthen these will be able to receive funding. At least 2 of the four conditions stipulated in connection with successful project implementation – joint management, joint planning, joint financing, joint implementation – must be satisfied. It will also be possible to implement local transport, environmental protection, as well as tourism and communication developments within the framework of the cooperation programme.

Mr László Borbély, Minister of Development, Public Works and Housing, Romania, said that Hungarian-Romanian cross-border cooperation is an important programme. Mr Borbély highlighted that the programme that is just being launched is Romania’s most significant cross-border programme. In his view, cooperation opportunities are ensured for building industry companies, as well as in the area of tourism and regional development in the Danube and Tisza regions.

Mr Colin Wolfe, Head of European and Territorial Cooperation Unit, European Commission, DG Regional Policy believes that the programme will be able to satisfy the needs of the regions and ensures the opportunity for well-elaborated projects to link up to other investments.

The following was stated at the press conference held during the break: within the framework of the programme, 134 million Euros has been earmarked for infrastructure and transport, 113 million Euros for economic and social cohesion and 29 million Euros for technical assistance.

In response to a question raised, Mr László Borbély and Mr Gordon Bajnai both agreed how it is also necessary to exploit local potentials ensuing from the development of pole cities, such as Debrecen and Nagyvárad, or Szeged and Temesvár, within the framework of cross-border cooperation. It was also stated that it would be possible to reduce traffic along roads which have high traffic volumes by opening new border crossings.