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Complex enterprise development27 March 2008

A little over 6 billion HUF is available this year within the framework of the Economic Development Operational Programme (EDOP) for the complex development of the enterprises of disadvantaged micro-regions.

A minimum of 12 and a maximum of 40 applications may be granted funding nationwide (except in the case of the Central Hungary region) from the available framework. The objective of the scheme announced for the complex technological development of enterprises (EDOP-2008-2.1.1/C) is to increase the income generation capacity of enterprises with growth potential. Strengthening the adaptation ability of enterprises, increasing the added value they generate, as well as implementing technological developments in connection with market entry are the areas the calls for applications target in the disadvantaged micro-regions.

Primarily enterprises that have explicitly separated revenue and costs/expenditures in accordance with rules adopted in connection with dual accounting, and in which the average annual statistical staff size reached 1 employee in the final business year closed prior to the submission of the tender documentation are eligible to apply. Many types of enterprises, ranging from micro-enterprises through to small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) and corporate enterprises satisfy the latter criterion. However, it is worthwhile paying attention to how enterprises that generate the decisive part of their revenue – over 50% - from agricultural activities are not eligible to apply. Therefore, the EDOP call for applications may provide help for non-agricultural type enterprises for the acquisition of equipment, property investments or other developments supporting the above-objectives.

This help may be quite considerable for enterprises potentially approved funding, since the rate of non-reimbursable type support may even reach 40 per cent of expenditures and ranges from 150 million HUF to 500 million HUF. In order to be approved funding, the applicant must assume commitments for increasing the percentage of the annual net revenue of the enterprise during the two business years immediately following the year of the physical close of the project by at least 4 per cent. There are regional delimitations in the case of this call for applications, since it is only possible to apply by submitting a project that will exclusively be implemented in settlements situated in disadvantaged micro-regions.