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Higher education development in the countryside23 April 2008

The most significant higher education development in rural areas of the past 20 years can now be launched pursuant to the government’s decision. The objective is to increase the number of students enrolled in technical and science courses. A total of 77 billion HUF made available within the framework of higher education infrastructure development up to 2013 will benefit the renewal of Hungarian higher education.

The government’s decision of 16 April approved – from this framework – nearly 29 billion HUF EU funding for 6 higher educational institutions operating in rural areas around the country.

The objective of the call for applications (Social Infrastructure Operational Programme 1. 3. 1: supporting infrastructure and IT developments needed for raising the standard of higher education activities) on the one aims to develop the infrastructure of higher education institutions in connection with education, research and entrepreneurial activities, whilst on the other hand aims to increase the number of students enrolled in technical and science courses, i.e. create conditions needed for this.

The programme paves the way for the most significant higher education development in rural areas of the past 20 years. Institutions left out of the present round can nevertheless be approved funding for the implementation of their development plans in the secondround of the call to be held in June.

It is in the interest of Hungary to increase the number of students enrolled in technical and natural science courses. This is how it is possible to establish conditions for Hungary to successfully become integrated in the competition of sectors producing high value added and join the countries with knowledge-based economies and societies.



This is why we are granting EU funding within the New Hungary Development Plan for higher education development programmes that help Hungarian universities disseminate marketable and competitive knowledge to students, namely, knowledge that is beneficial for fresh graduates, because it helps them find well-paying jobs more easily, as well as knowledge that is equally beneficial for the Hungarian economy, since it becomes more innovative and competitive due to this knowledge.

The Social Infrastructure Operation Programme (SIOP) launched by the Hungarian government and NDA ties in with this objective by targeting the modernisation of the external and internal services of higher education institutions, as well as increasing competitiveness.



The objective of the call for applications – adjusted to the objectives of the government programme – pertains to developing the infrastructure needed for raising the standard of higher education activities, as well as to establishing conditions needed for increasing the number of students enrolled in technical and science courses.

Nearly 51 billion HUF has been made available to applicants in 2007-2008 within the framework of the call, out of which 28.9 billion HUF will be granted within the scope of the present round and 21.7 billion HUF will be granted in the second round to be held in June. Therefore, institutions left out of today’s decision can nevertheless be approved funding for the implementation of their development plans – 17 higher education institutions have already submitted their applications and the government will make decisions in connection with the approval of funding in June.



The government’s decision has paved the way for the most significant higher education development in rural areas of the past 20 years. The Széchenyi István University in Győr, the University of Pécs, the University of Miskolc, the Eszterházy Károly College in Eger, the College of Dunaújváros and the Károly Róbert College in Gyöngyös will receive a share of the nearly 29 billion HUF that has been granted today. Projects approved funding cover the development of the built infrastructure, as well as info-communication technological developments.

Within this particular framework, among others, new buildings will be constructed, new educational, research and student space – such as laboratories – will be created, family-friendly services will be introduced and modern equipment will be procured.

The criterion stipulating that institutions should only develop educational space that connects to their existing research and development profile was the basic precondition for submitting applications. Factors, such as, experiences acquired in the field of cooperation with the economic sector, research and development activities equally competitive at an international level, as well as complex development concepts reaching as many students, lecturers and researchers possible were all specified as assessment criteria.