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Development Agency


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School of the Future visited Szeged and Zalaegerszeg26 April 2008

The National Development Agency launched a programme series in February 2008 presenting investments targeting the development of education to be implemented within the framework of the New Hungary Development Plan. The University of Szeged and the Information Centre held an open-day on 17 April, whilst the Kölcsey Ferenc High School in Zalaegerszeg held an open-day on 22 April.

Following the official opening of the event held in Szeged, the state secretary for development policy, Dr Bálint Magyar, presented current and future development initiatives in Hungarian public education, i.e. the School of the Future programme, to several hundred visitors interested.

The headmistress of the high school, Mrs Tarján, Dr Zsuzsa Szabó and Béla Szemes, representing the municipal local government opened the event, which was also followed by a presentation held by Bálint Magyar.

As a continuation of the professional programme and following presentations held by Educatio Public Benefit Company and Sulinet Digital Knowledge-base, anyone interested was able to gain insight into how digital educational materials and learning aids work in practice within the framework of model classes organised at both venues. The audience was also able to actively participate in the demonstration classes, which they did, by trying out how the interactive voting machine works.