NFÜ National
Development Agency


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06 40 638-638
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Call for market survey 5 May 2008

The Hungarian State Holding Company (MNV Zrt.) exercising the ownership rights of the Hungarian State, hereby issues a public call for a market survey for the technical preparation of a tender for the complex utilisation of the State-owned real properties of Kapos base airport in Taszár.

The purpose of this market survey is to enable MNV Zrt. to understand the utilisation methods and conditions preferred by the interested investors, including especially the directions of envisaged development, the rights to be acquired in relation to the real properties, the degree of required involvement of the State, and the economic benefits expected in the region from the development and utilisation, and to take them into account in the structure and conditions of its tender for the utilisation of the airport, to be issued in the near future.

MNV Zrt. is looking forward to the application of investors and their development proposals in writing, in a format and with contents contained in the guidelines that may be accessed at the places indicated below.

Deadline for application: 30 May, 2008

This call and an application in response to it does not constitute any commitment for MNV Zrt., nor the investors. Application is not a prerequisite for participation in the new tender for utilisation, but the applicant will be in a more favourable position in the tender.

The guidelines containing more detailed information may be accessed in Hungarian and English language, free of charge, based on registration, at the head office of MNV Zrt. (1133 Budapest, Pozsonyi út 56. Customer Service) on working days between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and on Fridays between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., and it may also be requested via e-mail or fax at the following telephone number and e-mail addresses: 00 36 1 237 4190, fax: 00 36 1 237 4191 or 00 36 1 237 4192, e-mail: The guidelines include the options for utilisation, which have been discussed to date. The related background documents are available in Hungarian and some of them also in English that can be downloaded from the following website: