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New calls for R+D funding22 May 2008

Key players and economic enterprises with vested interests in research and development, as well as NDA representatives were satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations held in the theme of R+D and innovation at the close of the professional forum.

The aim of the consultation was for the calls for applications underpinning the funding of R+D operations and announced within the framework of the New Hungary Development Plan to satisfy the needs of the of the SME sector and concerned players as best possible, be adjusted to the potentials of the applicants and promote the innovative development of the Hungarian economy. The new calls have been considerably simplified for applicants as a result of social and professional consultation.  

Hungary will be able to invest nearly 230 million HUF in research and development during the 2007-2013-period within the framework of the New Hungary Development Plan. The National Development Agency will announce 5 new calls on 2 June 2008 targeting the funding of R+D operations of enterprises and has earmarked a total framework of 50.51 HUF for this objective.

The new calls have been considerably simplified in relation to the R+D theme calls running within the framework of ECOP during the 2004-2006-period. „The new calls are in part also open to corporate enterprises; moreover, the amount of funding that can be applied for has increased and the scope of eligible expenditures has also been extended. In addition, the way in which the ratio of mandatory participation of universities has been decreased also makes things easier for applicants” – highlighted Mr Sándor Burány State Secretary of the Ministry of National Development and Economy at the forum when comparing key changes introduced to calls for applications running earlier under ECOP. An additional outcome of the social consultations held so far with the players of the industrial sector was that continuous submission of applications has been made possible in the case of certain calls and wages will now constitute eligible expenditures in some cases (EOP-1.3.2).

Players with vested interests in the R+D sector welcomed the opportunity to engage in consultations on the content and technical conditions of R+D calls. During the course of the professional talks held with representatives of the institutional system responsible for the allocation of EU funding – i.e., National Development Agency, Economic Development Programmes Managing Authority, Hungarian  Economic Development Centre (MAG) – the potential applicants and concerned organisations - namely, Cooperation Research Centre (CRC), Hungarian Association for Innovation, representatives of major national pharmaceutical manufacturers and the IT sector - formulated a series of constructive ideas.    
Within the framework of the new schemes, funding will primarily be approved in professional areas that are considered as priority areas in terms of the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy; more specifically: human and medical sciences, veterinary sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, biotechnology, agricultural sciences, health sciences, energetics, transport, electronics, measurement technology, control engineering,  waste processing, environmental protection, waste water treatment, environmental safety, chemistry, computer hardware, database management, digital systems, computer programming, communication, telecommunication, materials technology, engineering, precision mechanics, nanotechnology and production technology.