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Nyíregyháza Zoo: special developments22 July 2008

Oceanary, rainforest house and Tarzan trail: exceptional developments launched at Nyíregháza Zoo with the help of EU funding.

The construction work of the Níregyháza Zoo oceanary, rainforest house and Tarzan trail can now be launched with the help of EU funding: as a result of the development implemented by investing a total of 1.6 billion HUF, the county seat of Szabolcs County will be proud to host an exceptional attraction that is unique in Hungary by spring 2010. The competent executives of Nyíregyháza Zoo and the North Great Plain Regional Development Agency signed the assistance contract on 16 July.

Tourism is a priority area as regards the use of EU development funding. A total of 142 applications specifically targeting tourism were granted a total of 31 billion HUF over a three-year period within the framework of the 2004-2006 National Development Plan. Nearly 10 times more funding is available within the framework of the New Hungary Development Plan; a total of 300 billion HUF has been earmarked for the development of the tourism sector, among others, for implementing model attractions, such as the Nyíregíháza investment, which was approved funding of nearly 800 million HUF in value by the government in November 2007 on the basis of a single application procedure.



The Nyíregyháza Zoo operating on a 24 Ha area is even considered a special rural zoo today: for example, this is the only zoo that exhibits an African elephant, white tiger and an armoured rhinoceros. As regards zoos located in the countryside, it is no mere coincidence that Nyíregyháza boasts the highest number of visitors (300 000 visitors per year). Moreover, by constructing the new attractions, experts anticipate the number of visitors to increase significantly. We sincerely hope that more people will spend more time in the hub of the Nyírség thanks to the investment.

A truly exceptional development has just been launched in Nyíregyháza with the help of EU funding, since a 3800 m2 oceanary and a rainforest house will be constructed in the zoo up to spring 2010. Visitors will have the opportunity to wonder through the amazing habitat of the Indian Ocean where orangutans, crocodiles and giant snakes will be exhibited in their natural tropical habitat on the sub-ground level of the building called Green Pyramid. The „Tarzan Trail” that will also be completed by 2010, which will ensure access to the Africa House via a 200 m long bridge; therefore, it will become possible to observe the native species of the black continent from this new, safari-type attraction.

12 new jobs will be created in the county seat of Szabolcs County as a result of the developments and the number of exotic species exhibited at Nyíregyháza Zoo will increase from 3500 to 4500. According to the expectations of experts, Nyíregyháza will host 426 000 visitors per year and will naturally offer a series of exceptional attractions to visitors.