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The services of the Network are available in all micro-regions in the so-called New Hungary Point offices. At least one coordinator works in each micro-regions, however in the less developed one there are two, respectively, including 16 experts dealing with the social and economic integration of the gypsy population. Another five colleagues help harmonize and implement projects in five domestic development areas (lake Balaton, lake Velencei, Homokhátság, the agglomeration of Budapest and Tisza-tó). 

The members of the Network have been selected in a public application procedure. All applicants took part in a strict professional written exam and those with the best results also had an oral interview. During the selection our aim was to establish a Network consisting of local experts experienced in development policy and territorial development. 

When establishing and operating the Network, the different conditions and development aims of the regions and micro-regions also had to be considered. The coordinators working in the New Hungary Points are employed by the regional development agencies. So, beyond the National Development Agency (NDA), also the regional agencies ensure the up-to-date knowledge of the colleagues with permanent trainings. Tasks are given the Network also in a centralized way and on regional level. This way, besides complex aims and tasks aiming at developing the entire country, the Network is able to carry out region-specific development tasks considering also the social and economic conditions of the region. And the micro-regional offices, in cooperation with the multi-purpose micro-regional associations, may focus on the unique development priorities of the micro-region, and, beyond the municipalities, they are accessible also for all the entrepreneurs and NGOs in the micro-region.