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Goals2008. július 28.

European Hungary. This may summarize our primary goals. Our aim is to ensure that, by implementing tens of thousands of projects which are sustainable in the long run, establish new jobs and raise the quality of life both on micro and macro level, Hungary will make a big step in the field of catching up to the more developed EU member states. Of course, a special attention is paid to the development of the poorer Hungarian areas. 

Reality from ideas. We aim at helping the Hungarian entrepreneurs, NGOs and municipalities from source identification right until closing the projects in realizing their ideas. However it does matter what funds are spent on. It is our common responsibility to use European and domestic development funds in a rational way to establish economic opportunities in the long run. That is why our aim is to continuously support planning processes and spread the information related to development aims and the available funds to be applied for in a circle as wide as possible. 

Personalized services. As many settlements, enterprises and civil initiatives there are, just as many different condition, plan and task exist in Hungary. Our Network aims at providing information and consultancy services in a personalized way, based on the unique needs of an organization or settlement. This way the information needed may be provided filtered and personalized. 

Effectiveness, flexibility. Within and outside the public administration, thousands of people are working in Hungary in helping the Hungarian beneficiaries to access European and domestic development funds. The Network also assists their work. And, it also ensures that the suggestions and comments of the applicants and beneficiaries arrive to the decision-makers – even on European level. So an effective and flexible system of institutions may operate which also considers local opinions and fits the needs.