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Construction of the Miskolc Industrial Park can now begin 8 August 2008

The assistance contract of the Miskolc Mechatronics Industrial Park project has been officially signed.

The city of Miskolc was approved non-reimbursable assistance of 700 million HUF within the framework of the New Hungary Development Plan for the construction of the new Mechatronics Industrial Park. Upgrading the economic structure, improving competitiveness and increasing the local employment rate in Miskolc and its agglomeration can now get underway thanks to this priority project.

The Miskolc Industrial Park (MIP) set up on an area of 68.5 hectares was given the title “Industrial Park” in 2005 pursuant to the decision of the Ministry of Economy and Transport. However, there is now only limited free space available for accommodating further investments, because sites within the park have been sold to enterprises that set up operations over the past 2 years. The development and expansion of the industrial park is vital to the city’s development, since investors have been showing greater interest over the past several years, which is why the company MIK Zrt. purchased the property commonly known as the “airport” located beyond the city limits next to the industrial park from the Local Government of Miskolc, as a result of which the MIP site has been increased by 45 hectares.

he development aimed at extending the Miskolc Industrial Park and costing a total of nearly 1.4 billion HUF, i.e. the so-called Mechatronics Industrial Park project, was qualified as a priority development in August 2007. Consequently, the project will be implemented with the help of 50% EU co-funding (700 million HUF) within the framework of the New Hungary Development Plan.

Upgrading the economic structure, improving competitiveness and increasing the local employment rate in the city of Miskolc and its agglomeration are the main goals of the project to be completed by spring 2009. Enterprises engaging in mechatronics industrial production and services activities that find that MIP ensures favourable operating and cooperation conditions are the direct target group of the development.

Launching high-scale innovative industrial technological developments in the mechatronics industry and establishing economic development practices building on modern engineering, technological sciences and economic management knowledge and skills - by taking advantage of the Bosch manufacturing plants operating directly next to the park and the synergy of the successful Pole Programme - is the other key objective of the project. Permanently increasing the number of efficiently operating enterprises engaging in production and production service activities, promoting entrepreneurial skills, creating new jobs – i.e. decreasing the rate of unemployment in the city, as well as its agglomeration – and improving the employment conditions of unemployed individuals with technical/technological qualifications – especially career starters - are other important tasks.
Miskolc Holding Local Government Assets Management Zrt. and Miskolc Property Management Zrt. are implementing the Mechatronics Industrial Park project within a partnership framework with the help of the Northern Hungary Operational Programme.
By developing the industrial park the city primarily wishes to create an attractive opportunity for investors implementing investments that create jobs.