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Government approves six major environmental protection projects25 August 2008

The government approved funding for six major environmental protection projects costing a total of nearly 100 billion HUF within the framework of the New Hungary Development Plan Environmental Protection and Energy Operational Programme on 13 August.

The two floodwater reservoirs, two waste management systems and two waste water treatment projects will improve the quality of life of over 500 settlements and a population of some 1.4 million residents.

The Hany-Tiszasüly and Nagykunság floodwater reservoirs costing a total of 38 billion HUF will be implemented by the end of 2011 with the help of EU funding of 29.3 billion HUF and 5.2 billion HUF allocated from the budget. The Cigánd-Tiszakarád and Tiszaroff reservoirs will be completed this year. The water level between Kisköre and Csongrád may consequently drop by 55-65 cm once construction of the three storage reservoirs in the Middle Tisza region, namely, at Hany-Tiszasüly, Tiszaroff and Nagykunság, is completed, which will protect 570,000 people and 660,000 hectares of land from floods along this section of the river and even decrease water levels by 30 cm at Szeged. Preparation for EU funding of the reservoirs between Bereg and Szamos-Kraszna is also currently in progress; consequently, the 6 reservoirs to be completed by 2013 will decrease water levels along the entire length of the Tisza River by 50-60 cm. Hungary is able to use a total of 140 billion HUF of EU funding up to 2013 to implement flood protection developments, out of which an amount of 110 billion HUF is the continuation of the so-called Vásárhelyi Plan. 

The two major waste management projects costing a total of 28 billion HUF will be implemented by investing funding of 19.5 billion HUF in value, out of which 16.5 billion HUF is granted by the EU and 3 billion HUF is ensured by the state budget. The Mecsek-Dráva Waste Management Project resolves the modern processing of 200,000 tonnes of waste per year for 426,000 residents and 313 settlements by applying selective waste collection and biological treatment methods. The project covers 12 cities/towns and 112 settlements and will particularly improve the environmental safety of disadvantaged small villages and remote farms. The Győr macro-regional waste management system will resolve waste treatment on a 2.500 sqm area for 260 000 residents living in 112 settlements.

The two major waste water management projects costing a total of 31.9 billion HUF will be implemented by investing funding of 26.5 billion HUF in value, out of which 22.5 billion HUF is granted by the EU and 4 billion HUF is ensured by the state budget. The sewer pipe network of 6 settlements affecting 41,000 residents will be developed within the framework of the sewerage network and waste water treatment system implemented in Makó and its surrounding region. As a result of the development, the number of households connected to the network will increase to 14,000 from the current figure of 2342, which means that 100% of households will be connected to the network against the current rate of 23%. The threat of flooding, soil and ground water pollution, as well as the pollution of the Maros catchment area will equally decrease in the region. An additional 21,000 residents of the City of Békéscsaba with a population of 66,000 will be connected to the sewerage network as an outcome of the Békéscsaba sewerage system and waste water treatment development; amenities will consequently improve and the costs of sewerage removal will decrease for the population. The water quality of the canal and the Kettős Kőrös will substantially improve as an impact of the investment.

Six major environmental protection projects

Classification Code
Project host
Amount of funding proposed by the Assessment Committee (Bn. HUF)
Planned total investment costs (Bn. HUF)

EPEOP-211/2F 2008/2


National Directorate General for Water and Environmental Protection


Hanyi-Tiszasüly floodwater storage reservoir






EPEOP-1.1.1-2F -2008-0001

Mecsek-Dráva Local Government Association

Mecsek-Dráva Waste Management Project





National Directorate General for Water and Environmental Protection

Nagykunság floodwater storage reservoir





EPEOP-1.1.1-2F -2008-0001

Győr Macro-regional Waste Management Local Government Association

Setting up a municipal solid waste management system in the area operated by the Győr Macro-regional Waste Management Local Government Association






Local Government of Békéscsaba City of County Rank

Development of the sewerage system and waste water treatment system Békéscsaba City of County Rank





EPEOP -1.2.0/2F

Local Government Association established to implement the sewerage system and waste water treatment in Makó and its surrounding region


Development of the sewerage system and waste water treatment system in Makó and its surrounding region (Maroslele, Földeák, Apátfalva and Magyarcsanád)



