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The construction of the bypass road around Hosszúhétény is about to begin25 August 2008

The first assistance contract of the priority projects of the NHDP South Transdanubia Operational Programme (STOP) was signed on 13 August. The construction of the bypass road around the settlement of Hosszúhetény will be implemented within the framework of this project. The nearly 3-km-long bypass road improving traffic connections in the Komló micro-region and diverting traffic away from Hosszúhetény will be implemented by investing nearly 1.5 billion HUF.

The bypass road will be nearly 3 km long, have 2x1 lanes and a climbing (passing) lane. 3 4-branch junctions, 2 approach roads and 6 road exits will be constructed along this road section.

At the press conference held on the occasion of the signing of the contract, the President of the South Transdanubia Regional Development Council Ferenc Feigl presented an overview of NHDP STOP calls announced so far and calls expected to be announced in 2008, as well as the current status of these, following which the President of the Komló Multi-Purpose Micro-regional Association Zoltán Páva presented the positive impacts of the road in the Komló micro-region. András Szilágyi, project host and member of the board of directors of the National Infrastructural Development Corporation (NIF Corp.) talked about the south Transdanubian developments to be launched in the near future, whilst György Márton, managing director of the NHDP STOP Intermediate Body, namely, the South Transdanubian Development Council, mentioned that other south Transdanubian priority projects may also be approved funding soon.          
András Szilágyi and György Márton endorsed the agreement to mark the close of the event.