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Billions invested in eco-tourism development in the Dráva River Basin 25 August 2008

Two counties, five micro-regions, the local governments of 29 settlements, the Danube-Dráva National Park, the Dráva Landscape Protection and Tourism Association, 41 investments, 1.1 billion HUF - facts and figures of the Drava River project.

The official handover ceremony marking the completion of developments was held on 15 August in the restored Gyimóthy Villa, Nagyharsány.

The Dráva River Basin Project is a significant international and regional eco-tourism development project implemented along the Dráva River, Hungary’s most untouched river, targeting the integration of an area with abundant natural values in the tourism network while at the same time protecting existing values. Some of the settlements situated in the Dráva Basin build on the almost untouched and unique habitat, flora and fauna, whilst others build on historical sites, folk traditions, cultural and artistic values or horse-riding and bicycle tourism already operating in the area. The concept of bringing the area into the limelight and opening it up serves as a common driving force, since settlements located in the border region were isolated for decades.

The project unifies a region that geographically and culturally already exists, while at the same time it also establishes a functionally new region that is at the same time adjusted to other tourist regions and services, but does compete with these.

41 investments have been implemented as an outcome of the recently completed Dráva River Basin Project. Brand-new buildings and facilities were established in some cases, whilst old building sites were used in others. These buildings and facilities offer unique services for tourists in 29 settlements in Baranya County and Somogy County.

The new Rinya Bridge constructed in the settlement of Barcs in Somogy County links, among others, the river pier and the swimming and recreation area, where showers, toilets and changing rooms are now provided for holidaymakers and canoe tour participants; a fishing exhibition and an exhibition presenting the natural values of the national park are planned in the new exhibition centre set up next to the scuba diving centre located in Gyékényes. Moreover, tourists visiting the spectacular visitor centre in Nagyatád will be able to gain insight into the natural habitat of Inner Somogy through diorama images and models created to reconstruct the natural habitat of the region.

Among others, an old building has been spectacularly converted into a tourist centre in the district of Teregy, Harkány in Baranya County, whilst traditional cottages in the town centre represent the folk architecture characteristic of the region known as Ormányság. In addition, a new lookout point has been built on Mount Kopasz and the restoration of the Gyimóthy Villa located next to the statue park in Nagyharsány was also a major investment where, among others, the history of the statue park and the art camp will be presented to visitors on the new space created.

The development plan of the 655 km tour trail network across the Dráva River Basin and the habitat trail is also an integral part of the project. This will ensure continuous access and a passage to all five micro-regions (Csurgó, Nagyatád, Barcs, Sellye, Siklós) in which the Dráva River Basin Project is being implemented, it links micro-regions and creates foot and bicycle access to all famous attractions to be developed within the scope of the Dráva River Basin Project. The development of the tour trail and habitat trail is a task for the next development period.

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