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Tourism development at the Archabbey of Pannonhalma11 September 2008

The Archabbey of Pannonhalma has been approved non-reimbursable assistance of 1.25 billion HUF within the framework of NHDP for the development of tourism services at the Benedictine Archabbey.

The Botanical Gardens of the World Heritage Site, as well as accommodation and services will be renewed and re-opened to visitors by the end of 2009 with the help of this priority project.   
Archabbot Asztrik Várszegi and the managing director of West Pannon Regional Development Agency (WPRDA) Mr Jácint Horváth officially signed the assistance contract on 9 September, following which Prime Minister Mr Ferenc Gyurcsány and State Secretary for National Development and Economy Mr Csaba Molnár handed over a special card to commemorate the event.





Historical buildings of the Archabbey of Pannonhalma were erected over a thousand years ago on the „sacred mountain of Pannonia”, which, together with its natural environment has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996. The Archabbey earned this title because of its exceptional architecture, cultural and scientific collections.      

It will be possible to invest over 1.5 billion HUF in the renewal of the buildings, services and the environment thanks to project phases II, III and IV of the tourism development programme of the Archabbey of Pannonhalma. A new lookout area, bigger parking lot, modern catering service units, toilets, café and terrace, as well as a bicycle stand blending in with the tourism profile of the West Pannon region will raise the standards of the facilities provided for the 120,000 tourists visiting the Archabbey each year.










The Botanical Gardens, which is currently in a poor state of repair, will be restored; plant species will be re-introduced and new plants will be planted within the framework of the development. The project host shall establish herbal gardens, as well as new special workshops evoking the monastic traditions of Benedictine monks.      

A 67-bed youth hostel and pilgrim house offering accommodation, as well as community rooms will also be constructed within the framework of the development.    

As an outcome of the developments, the number of visitors is expected to increase to 120,000 visitors per year; moreover, 30 new jobs will also be created.