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Construction of the road between Lulla and Balatonendréd gets underway19 November 2008

The 9650-metre-long road to be constructed by National Infrastructural Development Corporation (NIF Corp.) in the near future connects two dead-end settlements and also better integrates the Tab micro-region into the traffic circulation of Lake Balaton and the M7 motorway.

The development will be implemented as a priority project of the New Hungary Development Plan South Transdanubian Operational Programme (NHDP STOP) by investing 3.5 billion HUF.
The density of the road network in the South Transdanubian region is third lowest in the country after the South Great Plain region and the North Hungary region; however, this region has a dense settlement structure. This is why there are such a high number of dead-end settlements in this region. By analysing the complex access assessments of micro-regions, it is possible to observe that vast areas in the South Transdanubian region qualify as isolated regions. From many areas it is not even possible to reach the county centre within an hour, let alone the centres of other counties making up the region, as a negative impact of the lack of roads in the region. Unfavourable access conditions obstruct the formation of an integrated regional market and regional sense of identity they prevent locals living in isolated areas from accessing various services and inhibit day-to-day labour mobility.



The 9650-meter-long road connecting Lulla and Balatonendréd will actually create a road network, since it will not only ensure a connection between these two settlements, but will connect the biggest settlement of the region, i.e. Tab, to Lake Balaton, as well as traffic to the M7 Motorway. Thanks to these connections, the local economies of the two settlements that have been isolated up till now are expected to be stimulated (whilst at the same time, the new road will not lead through the centres of these settlements). By ensuring better access to Tab from Balatonendréd situated at the boundary of the micro-region, it will be possible to approach Siófok from two directions. Approximately 60% of the vehicle traffic of the Tab region will use this new road, thus reducing traffic along Road 65 and 6505. Moreover, it will also lead to creating closer-knit internal connections in the region.



By building the road connection, direct access to Lake Balaton will also be ensured for the Tab micro-region, similarly to the Fonyód micro-region, which – coupled by the opportunity to go hiking and on nature outings - will boost tourism. Linking up the more remote settlements may also prove advantageous for settlements located along the shore of Lake Balaton. By offering a wider range and variety of tourism potentials, the tourist season will be prolonged and guests will spend more time in the region. "Extending" the scope of tourism in terms of both space and time also promotes sustainability.



Positive impacts associated with creating better access and shorter travel time will also be felt in other economic areas. Economic activity will increase in the concerned settlements, hence reducing unemployment. The region’s population retention capacity will increase and negative demographic trends will be reversed.

Three junctions and three bus hubs on either side of the road will be built along the 9650-metre byroad.

Construction work may begin in spring 2009 following the public procurement procedure; the investment is anticipated to be completed by the end of December 2010.
The project is implemented with the help of the European Union through the co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund.