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Bridge to the Far Side25 November 2008

Innovative methods adopted for increasing employment. The National Development Agency is holding the programme closing conference of the EQUAL Community Initiative on 24-25 November 2008.

The National Development Agency is holding a 2-day closing conference winding up the EQUAL Programme on 24-25 November 2008 in the assembly hall of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The objective of the EQUAL Community Initiative was to develop and disseminate innovative approaches and new methods for eradicating discrimination and inequalities in the labour market. The Hungarian EQUAL Programme supported pilot employment initiatives by using European Union and Hungarian funding. Projects approved funding supported the training, job allocation and employment of individuals in a disadvantageous position on the labour market. This covers anyone exposed to discrimination on an ethnic, national or gender basis; people discriminated against due to their age (e.g. Roma persons, women over 50, asylum seekers), individuals incapable of working due to disabilities, illness or addiction, as well as individuals with only low level qualifications.   

As a result of the work undertaken over the past 4 years, the 180 organisations taking part in 38 EQUAL projects were searching for solutions to practices missing at the workplace, which represents a major problem in Hungary.

EQUAL projects, such as "Opportunity Again" and "Opportunity Crèche" support these endeavours, thanks to which efficient methods were devised for training mothers returning from maternity or child-care leave. It has become possible to implement a programme at a national level on the grounds of the pilot programme, which facilitates the reintegration of mothers with infants returning to the labour market and provides a range of support services, such as childminding services.      
The labour market reintegration of homeless people has improved thanks to another EQUAL project. The model programme handled loss of livelihood evolving as a direct outcome of leading a homeless lifestyle in a complex way, it also endeavours to provide solutions specifically suited to the individual in need. Beyond the basic activities of the institutions of the system currently helping the homeless, the programme provides intensive and complex support and assistance in the social and employment rehabilitation of homeless people concurrently to dealing with problems linked to health and residence.  

It has therefore become possible to explicitly identify the results achieved by the EQUAL Programme, which results the Hungarian development policy is beginning to integrate. Employment programmes implemented with the help of new EU funding are already building on certain results attained. The results achieved by the EQUAL Programme were integrated in several places in the 2009-2010 Action Plans of the New Hungary Development Plan; consequently, these new methods and techniques are now a component of several calls for applications.       

Individual EQUAL "products" will be presented at exhibition stands within the framework of a special exhibition held at the same location parallel to the conference. Films presenting specific programmes will be screened all day long in the club rooms located next to the conference room.   
About the EQUAL Community Initiative

The Hungarian Equal Programme supported pilot employment initiatives in the following themes:
Theme "A": Supporting the labour market entry or reintegration of people facing disadvantages in the labour market.    
Theme "E": Supporting life-long learning and inclusive workplace practices that help people exposed to discrimination and inequalities in the labour market find jobs and retain employment.  
Theme "H": Reducing gender inequalities in the labour market and employment segregation.
Theme "I": Supporting the social integration and professional training of asylum seekers.

Funding of 40.4 million EUR (10.3 billion HUF) was made available in Hungary during the 2004-2006-period within the framework of the EQUAL Programme; 75% of this budget was granted by the EU through the European Social Fund. The Hungarian Government financed the remaining amount through the state budget.    
Rate of approved funding by theme: 

  No. of projects    
No. of target groups    
Funding approved
Theme "A"  16  4815  3 974 998 637 HUF
Theme "E"  16  2300  3 753 966 894 HUF
Theme "H"  5  1256  751 951 544 HUF
Theme "I"  2  390  237 983 800HUF
Total  39  8761*  8 718 900 875 HUF

* Does not include the secondary target group of 2937 individuals comprised of professionals, employers, non-profit organisations, family members, employees, etc. taking part in the programme.

For further information on the EQUAL Programme visit the following website:,