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Successful Roadshow Promoting Results Achieved by Energy Calls 8 December 2008

The 8-stop roadshow organised by the National Development Agency and Energy Centre Public Benefit Company with the motto "The window is open – efficiency and expertise" has arrived at its final stop.

Thanks to the nationwide programme series, the simplification of application criteria and the way in which the scope of applicants was extended, altogether 21 applications have been submitted in response to the energy calls announced within the framework of the Environment and Energy Operational Programme (EEOP) of the New Hungary Development Plan since the middle of October.  

A total of 21.5 billion HUF is still available for applicants from the EEOP budget for 2007-2008. From this amount, 12 billion HUF has been earmarked for renewable energy use and 8 billion HUF for increasing energy efficiency, whilst 1.5 billion HUF can be allocated for third party financing. Energy Centre Public Benefit Company is helping applicants use the highest possible rate of the funding by organising a nationwide programme series, simplifying application criteria and extending the scope of applicants.     
The positive impacts of the changes made can in part be measured on the basis of the volume of applications submitted since 15 October. Altogether 21 applications have been submitted within the framework of EEOP since 15 October. The success of the workshop series is well demonstrated by how only 4 of the 21 applications submitted were rejected, which represents major progress in relation to earlier figures.   
Extending the scope of applicants was one of the most relevant changes made to application criteria. The way in which small and medium enterprises are now also eligible to participate in EEOP calls significantly extended the potential scope of applicants.    

Results achieved in 2007-2008
So far 14 applications have been approved funding within the framework of EEOP-2007-4.1.0 „Supporting heat and/or electricity production by using renewable energy resources”. 6 of these applications were approved funding for biomass use, 1 for biological waste-based bio-gas production and use, 2 for geothermal energy use, 1 for the installation of heat pump systems, 2 for solar energy use and 2 for the combined solar energy use and the installation of a heat pump system.   
The total budget of the scheme for 2007-2008 is equivalent to 13.26 billion HUF. The overall investment expenditure of projects approved funding represents a total of 2,696,145,000 HUF, of which the amount of funding approved is equivalent to a total of 1,282,184,000 HUF. Framework remaining: 11,977,816,000 HUF.
So far 12 projects have been approved funding within the framework of EEOP-2007-5.1.0 "Increasing energy efficiency".
The total budget of the scheme for 2007-2008 is equivalent to 8.76 billion HUF. The overall investment expenditure of projects approved funding represents a total of 1,573,478,000 HUF, of which the amount of funding approved is equivalent to a total of 669,243,000 HUF and the remaining framework is equivalent to 8,070,757,000 HUF.
43 projects were approved funding within the framework of EEOP-2007-5.2.0 "„Third party financing".
The total budget of the scheme for 2007-2008 is equivalent to 1.84 billion HUF. The overall investment expenditure of the projects approved funding represents a total of 2,413,200,000 HUF, of which the amount of funding approved is equivalent to a total of 301,997,000 HUF and the remaining framework is equivalent to 1,000,539,000 HUF.   

Technical assistance for applicants
Many roadshow participants said that they are currently at the point of submitting an application and received the technical assistance they needed for finalising their tender documentation at the roadshow.    
The employees of Energy Centre Public Benefit Company summarised experiences gained in connection with application processing and customer service units in 2008 for potential applicants. Professional expertise and practical advice in connection with how to write quality applications were equally provided for potential applicants, tender writers and consultants taking part in the implementation of projects.
Work meetings bearing the title "Requirements for the project implementation and maintenance period" were held at each venue for applicants approved funding. The most relevant aim of this was to provide assistance and information for beneficiaries for performing commitments arising during the project implementation phase in a regular manner, hence also contributing to reducing potential risks.   
Work meetings bearing the title "Knowledge and skills required for compiling a projects eligible for support" were held at each venue for rejected applicants. The aim of these meetings was to provide assistance and information for applicants submitting projects adjusted to the objectives of the calls for applications that were however rejected on formal grounds or on the basis of their content. Through these means, the technical experts gave new impetus to project hosts encouraging them to submit a better quality project a second time around.   

Successful and popular roadshow
Approximately 500 people attended the seven venues of the roadshow. Applicants approved funding earlier and applicants whose applications were rejected, tender writers, engineering agencies, commercial banks, technology suppliers, constructors, government bodies, local governments, as well as public institutions equally participated in the workshops accompanying the information programme. Workshop participants put forth specific recommendations, remarks and demands in connection with EEOP calls for applications.