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Tourism Developments around Veszprém Castle17 December 2008

The Local Government of the Municipality of Veszprém has been approved non-reimbursable funding of nearly 860 million HUF within the framework of the New Hungary Development Plan for implementing the project "Convents and gardens at the foot of Veszprém Castle".

Coordinated tourism developments in 4 areas will be implemented within the framework of the priority project earmarked an overall budget of over 1 billion HUF. The assistance contract of the project was signed on 16 December.

These tourism developments will take place in the Séd Valley lying between the Castle and the Zoo. The altogether three-kilometre-long city section of the Séd Stream of Veszprém winds through a picturesque valley in the city and is surrounded by 30-40-meter-high dolomite rocks that are equally interesting from a geological perspective. 2 convents once functioned in the magnificent area; the coronation robes were embroidered in one of these convents, whilst Saint Margaret of the Árpád House lived in the other convent. The Zoo was built in one of the subsidiary valleys of the stream (Fejes Valley); the city Amusement Park operated for a period of ten year in the same area not far away from the Zoo (up to 1971).    

Today, most of this area is owned or managed by the local government. Until recently, the immediate surroundings were in a rather run down state; this area was not used, nor were development concepts elaborated for its use.   

Project implementation sites:
Coordinated tourism developments in the four areas listed below will be implemented within the framework of this priority project:
1.    Tourism-oriented revitalisation of Mount Saint Benedict and its surroundings;
2.    Opening up Betekints Valley (Discovery Valley) from the direction of the downtown precinct and transforming Kittenberger Kálmán Street into an events venue;
3.    Tourism-oriented revitalisation of Betekints Valley (former Amusement Park);
4.    Green rehabilitation of the landscape; creating a promenade with handicap access.

A 5th private investment will also take place alongside the above-listed 4 developments, namely, the development of Pajta Garden (Barn Garden), where a drink stop and bicycle rack will be set up and education-training and information dissemination functions, as well as catering and commercial accommodation venues and services will be renewed.        

The economy of the city and its surroundings will develop as an impact of these tourism developments luring more tourists to the area, since it is equally necessary to increase the supply side concurrently to increasing demands. The city will consequently be able to strengthen its leading position in the Bakony-Balaton region.    

The development will indirectly have a beneficial impact on tourism and catering, in addition to encouraging further private investments. Through its unique function, the renewed cultural landscape, monuments and natural environment will contribute to exploiting the tourism potentials of the city.