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Drainage Development worth Nearly One Billion HUF in Nagykőrös and its Surrounding Region28 January 2009

The EU development aimed at developing and reconstructing the basin of the over 40-kilometre-long tributary of the Kőrös River into which water used and rainwater falling in Nagykőrös and its surrounding region is drained will cost nearly 1 billion HUF.

The priority project to be implemented by the Middle Tisza District and Environment Water Directorate is fully financed by the Central Hungary Operational Programme. Mr Imre Szabó Minister for Environmental Protection and Water, Mr Pál Steiner President of the Central Hungary Regional Development Council and Mr László Varga Director of the Middle Tisza District and Environment Water Directorate held a press conference on 27 January to present the investment.   

The town of Nagykőrös lies approximately 40 kilometres from the Tisza River. All surface water accumulating in and around the settlement (used waters and rainwater) is drained into a natural outlet of the Tisza River through the Kőrös tributary. However, over the past few years the town has outgrown the capacity of the Kőrös tributary, which is why it is necessary to develop the basin as soon as possible, since it is no longer capable of receiving water accumulating in low-lying districts of the town in prolonged periods of heavy precipitation; consequently, major water damages may occur. The rainwater drainage network of the town is about to be extended; therefore, the development of the Kőrös tributary that is about to take place will ensure the receipt of the volume of water collected after the full completion of the development.  

There are two key components of the development, one of which is that the water permeability of the basin will be improved along the entire 40-kilometre-long stretch running from the Kőrös tributary to the Tisza River by eliminating narrow stretches and transforming insufficient capacity water retention structures.

The other component is that the entire stretch of the 1200-meter-long main canal running through the town will be placed below ground, where rainwater will be drained through a closed drainage system. A 4-Ha green area will be created above the section placed below ground, which will be a major development in terms of the town landscape and will at the same time also resolve sewage spills, illegal dumping, as well as hygiene and environmental loading related problems caused by overgrown vegetation.

Nature-friendly solutions will be adopted to develop the section of the basin located outside the town, such as: one side of the basin will remain untouched during the dredging work and the main course of the drainage canal will be made bendy to create dead areas, both of which interventions are ecologically-friendly solutions and do not obstruct the drainage of excess water. Several aquatic habitats, of which there most probably used to be many along the Kőrös tributary a long time ago, will also be rehabilitated. The structure at the mouth of the Kőrös tributary will be transformed in a way that it will ensure a passageway between the Tisza and the drainage canal for water species and also enable water retention at the mouth of the tributary. Ecological and water drainage criteria will be collectively enforced during the course of the investment, which complies with criteria set out in the EU Water Framework Directive.   

Beyond Nagykőrös, the development equally affects the settlements of Kocsér, Jászkarajenő and Tiszajenő and improves the quality of life of the 32,000 residents living and farming in the area of the basin.   

The Assistance Contract was concluded in December last year; public procurement procedures are currently in progress. According to plans, construction work is expected to begin in early April and is anticipated to finish at the end of 2010. The total cost of this priority project amounts to 999,458,560 HUF, which is fully financed by the Central Hungary Operational Programme; the project host, namely the Water Directorate, did not have to contribute own funds.