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Baroque Downtown of Pápa to be Renewed12 February 2009

The municipality of Pápa was approved non-reimbursable EU funding of over 1.3 billion HUF for the conservation and rehabilitation of the local town centre within the framework of the Central Transdanubian Regional Operational Programme "Creation, conservation and rehabilitation of settlement (sub-)centres – announced Mr Béla Papp President of the Central Transdanubian Regional Development Council at the press conference held on the main square of Pápa on 10 February.

Beyond the main square of Pápa built in baroque style, Building B of the local government and the Registry Office will also be renewed within the framework of the project. A customer service centre will be set up, footpaths will be renewed, handicap access will be built, a fountain will be erected and lighting will be developed in the downtown area within the framework of the investment costing a total of 1.8 billion HUF – said Dr Zoltán Kovács Mayor of Pápa.   



The National Employment Foundation (OFK) has earmarked 6 billion HUF for job retention purposes. 60 applications have so far been submitted requesting funding amounting to a total of 2.8 billion HUF. The first round of decisions made by the Advisory Board of OFK has already closed, in accordance with which the application submitted by Herend Porcelain Manufacturing Ltd. was approved; the company can therefore count on being granted funding of 217 million HUF in value, which they will invest in job retention – said the Minister for Social Affairs and Labour at the same press conference. Ms Erika Szűcs added that in accordance with the decision, the company may receive the first instalment of the approved funding in the form of 25% advance payment within a period of 2 weeks. The Minister said that the Advisory Board of OFK meets once a week, so it is able to decide on grant applications and requests on an ongoing basis. According to the Minister, keen interest has been shown towards the funding aimed at job retention, especially by small and medium enterprises.

Mr Attila Simon CEO of Herend Porcelain Manufacturing Ltd. said that the nearly 1000 workers with special skills of the company owned by its employees are irreplaceable; laying these people off would have serious consequences, which is why the company opted to take advantage of the state funding and submitted their application to the National Employment Foundation.

Beyond taking part in the press conference on the renewal of the downtown of Pápa, Minster Ms Erika Szűcs also handed over an investment creating handicap access to the Old Age Home and Methodology Institute in Külsővat.
The financing body, namely, the Veszprém County Local Government, was approved non-reimbursable funding of 20 million HUF from the Central Transdanubian Regional Operational Programme in value for creating full handicap access to the Home. The total cost of the project exceeds 25 million HUF. Among others, ramps, a lift operating from the main entrance hall, as well handicap access to rooms, the courtyard and the chapel of the building will be built within the framework of the project.