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Waste Water Investment of over 4 Billion HUF in Kál and the Region16 February 2009

Clean and good quality environment for 10,000 people with the help of EU funding.

A sewage pipeline network will be constructed in 6 settlements of Heves County and a state-of-the-art waste water treatment plant will also be created with the help of funding granted by the Environment and Energy Operational Programme (EEOP), hence ensuring a cleaner and healthier environment for the 10,000 residents of the area and protecting the vulnerable water resources of the region. The local government association was granted 54 million HUF for preparing the 4.3 billion HUF EU project. The assistance contract was signed on 5 February in Kompolt, which settlement is assuming the project host role of the association. Mr Imre Szabó Minister for Environmental Protection and Water also attended the event.      

There is currently no sewage pipeline network in Kál, Kápolna, Kompolt, Aldebrő, Feldebrő and Tófalú, the construction of which has been planned for some time. Underground water supplies ensure water resources for the region; however, the settlements are built on water resources, most of which are vulnerable, which is also why it is extremely important to build the waste water pipeline network as soon as possible.    

It will be possible to channel communal waste water – by connecting 4861 households - through the pipeline as a result of the EU development, the state-of-the-art treatment of which will take place at the sewage treatment plant to be built in Kál. According to plans, a 62.5 km-long gravitational pipeline, 32 pumping stations to be built in public areas and a 12 km-long pressure pipeline will also be constructed.        

The preparation of the EU project costs 63 million HUF; EEOP funding covers 85% (approximately 54 million HUF) of these costs. Studies and cost-benefit analyses are being compiled and various permits are being obtained from this amount. The way in which the association has already obtained water licences is a great help. Following preparation, construction work will begin in the second round, for which the association is also expected to receive funding covering 85% of costs. According to plans, the preparation phase will continue until the end of the year; construction will begin in the following and is expected to be completed in December 2013.   

Mr Norbert Boros Head of Department of the Development Directorate of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Water and Mr Zoltán Balázs Mayor of Kompolt signed the assistance contract underpinning preparation.

The Minister stressed the following at the official signing ceremony: network connections will increase from the current ratio of 69% to 89% at a national level by 2015 and the waste water collected in the network will only be emptied into collection units after being biologically treated. The New Hungary Development Plan has earmarked 361 billion HUF over the 2007-2013-period for implementing these types of developments.