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12 Billion HUF of EU Funding for the Development of Emergency Care Services27 March 2009

Emergency Care Units in 26 hospitals in Hungary may be upgraded to a European standard into modern centres with the help of funding granted by the New Hungary Development Plan.

The original 8.8 billion HUF funding framework of the call for applications geared at the development of emergency care services announced within the framework of the Social Infrastructure Operational Programme was increased by an additional 3.2 billion HUF pursuant to the Government’s decision of 25 March. The good quality of the applications submitted, as well as the intention to implement these projects as soon as possible is what justified this step. Coverage for this amount can be ensured by bringing forward a part of the funding framework earmarked for 2009-2010.

The most relevant objective of the call for applications announced by the National Development Agency was geared towards developing the infrastructure of emergency care services provided in hospitals by setting up new emergency care units and modernising existing emergency care units or developing these into higher standard services.   
A modern, integrated and professionally standardised patient care system and units will be set up and the development of existing systems will be implemented in order to improve the efficiency of emergency services and the quality of care provided. The envisaged projects improve equal access to services and also aim to increase the sense of security of the population and chances of surviving major trauma.   
Major infrastructure developments will also take place within the framework of applications, namely: instruments used for diagnostics and therapy will increase, equipment procurements will be undertaken, patient transport equipment will be procured, handicap access will be ensured to buildings and dispatch systems will be set up. It will be possible to ensure better and faster access to services by setting up standardised IT systems. 

Organisations providing or financing healthcare services were eligible to submit applications for setting up new emergency care units (ECU1 and ECU2), modernising existing units and developing such units/reception areas into higher standard units within the framework of applications that have just been assessed. Developments implemented in the Central Hungary region were not eligible for support, even if the seat of the applicant is not located in the Central Hungary region. The rate of non-reimbursable assistance is maximum 90% of the total expenditures of the project eligible for support; applicants could apply for funding ranging from 100 to 820 million HUF.

- ERA – Emergency Reception Area: area set up for receiving patients checking in or hospitalised due to acute symptoms or clinical picture in which case emergency treatment is required;
- ECU2 – Emergency Care Unit 2: patient care unit, which beyond exclusively providing orthopaedic trauma care must also, as a mandatory requirement, continuously ensure the three basic medical services (surgery, maternity-gynaecology, cardiology and internal medicine), as well as X-ray and laboratory diagnostics.
- ECU1 – Emergency Care Unit 1: patient care unit, which, beyond providing neurosurgery and full-scope trauma care within the framework of the given institution, must also fully and continuously ensure all professional and diagnostics conditions required for emergency care.

Major building industry investments accompany these developments. Environmentally aware planning, creating complex handicap access and the enforcement of environmental and economic sustainability criteria, taking account of the construction, extension, transformation, renewal and modernisation of new buildings with a modern architecture, also preferably facilitating the removal and/or decrease of the number of sites and pavilions, is a fundamental project prerequisite. Modernisation of the mechanical and energy systems carried out during the course of transformations, as well as setting up and developing helicopter landing pads according to set standards are all eligible expenditures within the framework of the projects.       

These tasks provide numerous contracts for the building industry as well, through which their indirect impact on job retention and creation will also be felt; in addition, they contribute to softening the negative impacts of the economic recession. However, their impacts on job creation will not only be felt in the building industry; it will also be possible to hire new employees in certain professional areas in which shortages are experienced.   

It is important to emphasize that this is a two-round tendering procedure. The first round has now closed; all applications (approved in the first round) go through so-called project development and final beneficiaries approved funding can only be announced after this.  

Applications approved in the first round