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Billions of EU Funding for the Modernisation of the Uzsoki Street Hospital24 April 2009

The Uzsoki Street Hospital will evolve into a regional hospital providing full medical services by 2010 with the help of funding granted by the NHDP.

By fully renewing the institution with a great past, the same high standard curative activities that residents of Budapest have become accustomed to receiving over the past 83 years will continue to be provided under the most modern conditions.   

One of the most modern regional healthcare institutions will be created in Budapest by 2010 through the reconstruction of the Uzsoki Street Hospital, which centre will be capable of providing competitive services to a high standard for the residents of the agglomeration as well. The emergency care unit, intensive care unit, orthopaedic trauma unit, maternity and gynaecology unit, neurology unit, certain internal medicine units, nuclear medicine unit, pathology unit, several special care units and service units will be developed in Phase II of the reconstruction work. The entire renewal of the old building will continue, which will be carried out according to a carefully orchestrated schedule in several phases, since medical services must also be continuously provided during the course of the construction work.       
Development of cardiology services and creating modern conditions for acute vascular reconstruction is particularly emphasised within the framework of the reconstruction of the hospital. Artificial kidney treatment provided for Budapest residents will be further improved by extending the dialysis unit and an emergency care unit will also be set up. The development of invasive surgical procedures (surgery, orthopaedics, urology, gynaecology, etc.) is adjusted to the regional centre role of the healthcare institution.   
Beyond integrating the institution in the central trauma ambulance services system, the way in which the centre will provide essential oncology services attests the significance of the reconstruction work.  
The General Assembly of the Municipality of Budapest approved the programme for Phase II of the reconstruction in 2003; permit, as well as construction plans in the following were laid on the table in 2007. Construction work began on 15 January 2008.
The total cost of the investment amounts to nearly 6.5 billion HUF; 4.4 billion HUF is covered by EU funding.

Phase I of the reconstruction of the Uzsoki Street Hospital - 1997-2001
New facilities were built on an area of 24,000 square metres in the first phase of the reconstruction of the hospital; the total cost of this phase amounted to 7.7 billion HUF. The Municipality of Budapest provided own funds of 2.7 billion HUF in value to the funding granted. New diagnostics equipment is now available for patients and a new hotel wing has been added to the building thanks to the cooperation of the Government and the Municipality of Budapest. Modern radiology and imaging procedures were introduced and brand new equipment was installed in the x-ray unit. A new surgery block was created, which made it possible to concurrently shut down several external sites. Auxiliary functions complementing basic services could be moved into the same block as an outcome of the transformations carried out.