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3.6 Billion HUF for Hungarian-Romanian Developments in the Border Region16 July 2009

The first series of projects approved funding within the framework of the Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 have been selected. 90 projects have been granted funding within the framework of the first round of the call. According to plans, 3.6 billion HUF (13 million EUR) will be distributed among these projects.

In accordance with decisions made, 120 of the project concepts received in response to the second call will be elaborated in detail.   

Last year, an EU funding framework amounting to over 32 billion HUF (nearly 122 million EUR) was made available for launching developments in the Hungarian-Romanian border region within the framework of the first call announced in October and the second call announced in December. Both countries showed keen interest in cross-border cooperation opportunities.   

"We were happy to see that the vast majority of applicants managed to tackle tasks often demanding sound elaboration and a great deal of attention during the application preparation phase and that the eight neighbouring counties show serious interest in developing cross-border cooperation." – emphasised Ms Brigitta Zicherman-Mikulás Head of the Managing Authority.   

"Every precondition required for efficient work is now in place in order to be able to conclude assistance contracts with applicants approved funding as soon as possible." added Mr Gyula Bara Director of the Romanian National Authority highlighting the significance of the implementation phase of the Romania-Hungary Cross-Border Cooperation Programme.

Within the framework of the first call, funding opportunities primarily targeted preparatory activities (compiling studies and plans) and activities promoting cooperation, experience exchange and partnership formation in the area of transport, communication and environmental protection, labour-market, research and development, innovation, education and healthcare, as well as cooperation between communities. 

From among the 196 applications received, the Joint Steering Committee approved Community funding amounting to nearly 3.6 billion HUF for 90 applications. Each project integrates Hungarian and Romanian partners and will be implemented in close cooperation. The assistance contracts of the first series of projects are expected to be signed and these projects are anticipated to be launched in September.    

The highest number of applications submitted envisaged implementing projects in the area of cooperation between communities; however, measures aimed at stimulating joint research and development, tourism development and business cooperation were just as popular.

Within the framework of the second call, the Steering Committee proposed the detailed elaboration of 123 applications; however, final decisions on the approval of funding will only be made after the second round. ERDF (European Regional Development Fund)-funding amounting to over 104 million EUR made available within the framework of the call will be granted in the second round. Project concepts proceeding through to the second round applied for Community funding amounting to a total of 185.5 million EUR.   

The second round of the call provides funding for specific infrastructure development and small-scale investments, namely: the construction and renewal of several by-pass roads and bicycle lanes, setting up consultancy service centres aimed at promoting the development of enterprises, as well as a few research centres is expected to take place. It may, among others, be possible to launch a higher number of environmental protection projects, implement joint flood protection and inland water developments, modernise waste management and healthcare services in the border region and implement projects promoting disease prevention and treatment in the Hungarian-Romanian border region.    

The Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Cooperation Programme provides European Union funding during the 2007-2013-period for the joint development of the Hungarian-Romanian border region as a continuation of the INTERREG IIIA – Phare CBC programme running earlier in the 2004-2006-period.  Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, Hajdú-Bihar County, Békés County and Csongrád County are participating in the programme on the Hungarian side, whilst Satu Mare County, Bihor County, Arad County and Timis County are taking part in the programme on the Romanian side.
Ms Petra Szávics Head of the Joint Technical Secretariat said that the next call of the Hungary-Romania Cross-Border Cooperation Programme is scheduled to be announced in September. The list of applications approved funding and applications proceeding through the second round will be published on the website.

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