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Funding Amounting to Nearly 7.8 Billion HUF for the Recultivation of Dump Sites 7 August 2009

The Middle Danube Region Waste Management Local Government Association was approved funding amounting to nearly 7.8 billion HUF within the framework of the Environment and Energy Operational Programme (EEOP) of the New Hungary Development Plan for carrying out the recultivation of the 83 dump sites operating in the region.

The objective of developments listed in the Environment and Energy Operational Programme (EEOP) is to reduce environmental problems experienced in Hungary, hence improving the society’s quality of life and the adaptation of the economy to environmental processes. In this regard, the new preventive environmental protection approach of interventions making it possible to maintain a favourable environmental state may be one of the most important tools. These targets and the various projects approved funding within the framework of the programme are dynamically adjusted to the implementation of sustainable development in Hungary. The major recultivation project to be implemented in the area of the Middle Danube Region Waste Management Local Government Association is also an integral part of this progressive work process.    

The assistance contract of this major project was signed on 30 June 2008. All costs tying in with the implementation of recultivation are fully covered by funding granted by the European Union, which is why local governments do not have to contribute own funds. The European Commission approved this funding in April 2009.    

The Middle Danube Region Waste Management Local Government Association was set up through the cooperation of 169 settlements and engages in finding long-term solutions for waste management activities in 6 counties (Bács-Kiskun County, Fejér County, Komárom-Esztergom County, Pest County, Tolna County, Veszprém County) affecting some 680,000 residents.

The recultivation work itself implies blending existing and shut down dump sites into the landscape, ensuring the appropriate insulation of these and protecting water supplies and the soil. 12 of the 83 dump sites operating in the region will be shut down, 69 dump sites will be sealed and 2 dump sites will be blended into the landscape within the framework of this investment. The total area of the dump sites to be recultivated is 1,386,497 square metres, which affects a total of 434,676 residents.

Having conducting the relevant public procurement procedures, construction contracts were signed on 20 July 2009. SGNK-2000 Consortium will be carrying out the recultivation work in Region I (Dunaújváros) and Region III (Székesfehérvár); STRABAG-MML Ltd. is the head of this Consortium, whilst GREEN NETWORK Ltd. and KÖZGÉP Ltd. are consortium members. Danubia Consortium will be carrying out construction work in Region II (Oroszlány); Bilfinger Berger Hungária Ltd. is the head of this Consortium, whilst, Repét Ltd., KELET-ÚT Ltd. and MEZŐKER HUNGÁRIA Ltd. are consortium members.
Út-Teszt Mérnöki és Szolgáltató (Road Test Engineering and Services) Ltd. shall provide independent engineering services during the course of construction work carried out within the framework of the project.

The area of the Middle Danube Region Waste Management Local Government Association is the first location in the country where construction work will begin within the framework of the tender scheme EEOP-2.3.0.  "Implementing regional-level recultivation programmes in connection with municipal solid waste dump sites".

The following attended and gave speeches at the official ceremony marking the debut of project construction work:

Dr Csaba Molnár, Minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office,
who, beyond praising the project, briefly talked about the implementation and future objectives of the New Hungary Development Plan, as well as the economic and social impacts of the various development programmes, more specifically, national priority infrastructure developments and environmental protection projects.

Dr István Kling, State Secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Water,
who highlighted the environmental importance of the investment about to be launched and how it connects to objectives underlying sustainable development. In addition, the Minister presented the relevance of recultivation in terms of the preservation of natural environmental values. 

Bence Huba, Director of the Development Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Water,
who presented information on projects that have already been launched within the framework of the Environment and Energy Operational Programme (EEOP), more specifically, the recultivation investment to be implemented by the Middle Danube Region Waste Management Local Government Association, as well as new calls in progress or under development and the environmental protection significance of these for the region.

Mariann Fischer, President of the Middle Danube Region Waste Management Local Government Association,
who presented the state of the art waste management system to be implemented through the cooperation of 169 settlements within the organisational framework of the Association, as well as the expected environmental protection-related benefits of the recultivation programme about to commence in 81 settlements and the positive changes this will engender in the region, as well as in terms of the preservation of natural environmental values, in addition to highlighting the significance of the project about to begin and costing 7.7 billion HUF in terms of the development of the settlements taking part in the project.   

István Borbély, Mayor of Polgárdi,
who, on behalf of the host local government, talked about why it is a major event in the life of Polgárdi that the settlement became the leading partner in an investment to be implemented through such wide cooperation, offering the opportunity for the settlement to take part in this highly important European Union-funded environmental protection project. 

For further information contact:

Mariann Fischer, President of Middle Danube Region Waste Management Local Government Association: Tel.: 06 22/ 576-194,
06 30/959-0028, E-mail:
Balázs Blázsovits, Senior PR Associate for Communication at MEDIUS: Tel.: 06 96/316-669, 06 30/392-8059, E-mail: