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Outpatient Care Services in Érd Improved in Quality with EU Support23 December 2010

The Specialist Outpatient Clinic of Érd currently provides health care services for more than 182,000 people. With the help of EU funding of more than 1.3 billion HUF these people will now have simpler and quicker access to primary health care services in the outpatient system. Thanks to this investment, a new wing has been constructed and the equipment of the clinic have been improved as well. Patients now have to travel less, diagnoses will be made more quickly and recovery time will be shorter.

One of the most important sectors of development in the 21st century worldwide is projects related to health care, and this is the tendency in Hungary as well.
The Specialist Outpatient Clinic is the largest health care institution of Érd and surroundings; it receives 1200 patients on an average weekday. With more than 180 employees it is also the largest employer of all the institutions of Érd and it provides specialist and general health care services for a population exceeding 182,000.

The clinic was very fragmented with several buildings of different ages and styles. The oldest buildings were structurally very deteriorated, their condition and lay-out did not allow the introduction of new functions that are part of state-of-the-art health care, therefore the construction of a new wing was necessary.

As a result of the development, with the demolition of a technically obsolete part of a building and construction of a new wing – adding 205 square meters – a one-day surgery department has been set up, a day hospital for the rehabilitation of limbs has been created, as well as providing the infrastructure for course-treatment services. The gastroenterology and radiology departments have been developed with the digitization of the equipment. The modernization of the IT system opened up the way for telemedicine, as a result of which medical consultation will be accelerated, patients will have to spend less time on travelling, the recovery process can also be accelerated and the doctors’ work will become simpler, too.

The renewal of the building also included the removal of all obstacles, and the modernization of the heating system in the whole institution.

The project can have a long-term positive impact on the health conditions of those living in the micro region of Érd and its surroundings and can increase the number of years they spend in good health. The investment aims to contribute to the improvement of the health conditions of employment.
As a result of the investment, the number of preventive care services will increase and their quality level will improve. Special emphasis is given to ensuring outpatient rehabilitation services that make health-care more cost effective.

The project has been implemented with the help of funding from the Central Hungary Operational Programme in a value exceeding 1.3 billion HUF. The total value of the investment amounts to more than 1.4 billion HUF.