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Micro-regional Out-patient Clinic Built with EU Assistance Opened in Rétság 1 December 2010

The town of Rétság, Nógrád county, won over 912 million HUF support under the Social Infrastructure Operational Programme for the construction of an out-patient clinic. The new, 1500 square metre centre accommodates nineteen surgeries. The modern institution provides almost sixty jobs, and thus contributes to the improvement of the town’s employment situation.

Under the project the formerly separate general practitioners’ and specialised practices were moved to the new institution, so patients now have access to all medical services in the same place. An out-patient infrastructure has been created in which doctors can see their patients in 200 specialist and 120 general consulting hours weekly. These services are supplemented by home nursing and a six-bed day hospital.

The Rétság out-patient clinic also provides modern healthcare services to some 18,000 residents of another seventeen settlements: Alsópetény, Bánk, Borsosberény, Diósjenő, Felsőpetény, Horpács, Kétbodony, Kisecset, Legénd, Nagyoroszi, Nőtincs, Ősagárd, Pusztaberki, Szendehely, Szente, Tereske, and Tolmács.

The environmentally friendly heating and cooling of the new out-patient clinic is ensured by a special energy centre that uses alternative energy sources. A solar collector mounted on the roof of the building cuts to a minimum the energy demand and thus the operating costs of the facility.

The new clinic was built on the site of the former army barracks, easily accessible for patients. The building is also obstacle-free. The project covered the full furnishing of the rooms and the installation of the necessary medical equipment and IT systems and devices.

The over one billion HUF project has considerably improved the region’s access to specialist health services.

Six projects won funding in the call for applications “Building and development of micro-regional out-patient centres” under the Social Infrastructure Operational Programme launched in 2007. The total EU funding awarded exceeded 14.5 billion HUF. In 2008 new applications were invited and another seven projects were granted a total of 6.5 billion HUF EU funding.