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Little Hungary Botanical Garden with EU support 7 December 2010

Thanks to the almost 220 million HUF EU support received under the South Great Plain Operational Programme, the creation of the Little Hungary Botanical Garden could be completed. The garden, that cost a total of 445 million HUF, was formally opened outside Jakabszállás on Saturday. The 93,000 square metre garden is a proportionately miniaturised version of Hungary, with all its main geographic features and flora. The garden promises to be a unique tourism attraction which will draw thousands of visitors to the region.

The 1:1000 scale is big enough but still allows the living “map” to be readily understood. In just a little more than an hour the visitor can make a round trip of Hungary: even at its biggest width they can easily jump over the Danube and visit any nearby locality. Wherever you stand in the map, you have an excellent view of all the Hungarian mountains. You can discover the country as if you were flying over it at a height of 1000-1800 metres.

Not only children but also adults enjoy the unusual perspective when we stand on a chair, climb up to a lookout place or the top of a hill, to see the world from a different angle. We can be giants, but not in a fantasy world. A cube of one centimetre is not big on your palm, but if you put it into this miniature landscape, it will symbolise your home – proportionately miniaturised. This miracle will surely fascinate every visitor of the park. 

This miniature Hungary will be an island of peace, an eco-paradise, a symbol of unity and co-operation. It will be a joy to tread the roads of this country. Order and cleanliness will rule the place, with well-groomed gardens, beautiful forests and crystal clear water.

The visitors will also be given the opportunity to add characteristics to the landscapes, regions, settlements. They will be able to draw the attention of the world to themselves, to add their talent and skills to the inter-active database; in this way everyone can become part of the creation process, of making the place even more beautiful.

Those who prefer a quiet walk can listen to crickets and birdsong and the more adventurous-minded can test their skills in the world-standard adventure park.
The lovers of technical sports will also find something to their liking. Adrenaline-hooked visitors will have the opportunity to drive a jeep, a motorcycle, a four-in-hand coach or fly a plane. For family recreation there will be a holiday village built around a thermal lake. Tired visitors can treat themselves to excellent meals, take a good massage or listen to Gypsy music. The visitors of the garden will be also be able to enjoy some unforgettable cultural performances. The open-air theatre will host concerts and stage performances that will satisfy even the highest demand.

A botanical garden is a magical place in itself. It shows a different picture each time of the day, each season of the year. It grows and develops from year to year and becomes more and more magnificent over time. But the Hungarian Garden will offer more than that: it will integrate, provide tourism services, be an eco-centre, educate, entertain and hopefully show an example, as well.