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Regional Rehabilitation Centre Inaugurated in Sárvár after Reconstruction 2 September 2010

Reconstructed with EU funds, the Rehabilitation Centre in Sárvár can now deliver health services on 92 new rehabilitation beds. The reconstruction and extension of the centre was implemented with a grant of 791 million HUF under the West Pannon Operational Programme. The project resulted in a centre delivering complex rehabilitation care that is unique in Hungary.

A government decision of 2007 allotted a grant of 800 million HUF for the improvement of conditions at the Sárvár Municipal Hospital Rehabilitation Unit, requiring 10 percent equity funding. The investment was supported as a priority project in the 2007-2008 Action Plan.

Rehabilitation care is subdivided into the following specialised fields:
- oncology rehabilitation, 30 beds
- gynaecology rehabilitation, 16 beds
- psychosomatic rehabilitation, 14 beds
- gastroenterology rehabilitation, 16 beds
- rheumatology rehabilitation, 16 beds

In terms of organisation, the new 92-bed complex Rehabilitation Centre is a unit of Sárvár Hospital. The buildings have patient rooms with two, three or four beds each with a bathroom, enabling rehabilitation services to meet varying medical needs. Complex accessibility (physical access and ICT access for special needs) was a key development component. As a result of the development, rehabilitation efficiency will be enhanced by having the unit function as a rehabilitation matrix with precise time-tables and an interdisciplinary approach.

More modern instrumentation and broader diagnostic facilities enable doctors and nurses to do their work more professionally and easily, and new jobs will be created too. Medical instruments have been procured and are being installed.

There have been 60 winning projects to date in the health care development schemes under the West Pannon Operational Programme. The EU grants awarded to the bids exceed 4 billion HUF.