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Urban Rehabilitation Projects Begin in the North Great Plain14 October 2010

In the framework of the North Great Plain Operational Programme, the towns of Jászberény and Kunhegyes received EU grants for the renewal of their urban centres. A project of over 1 billion HUF can now start as a result of the successful applications.

The local government of Jászberény received EU funding of over 576 million HUF for the rehabilitation of its centre. The development project “Jászberény function-expanding integrated community centre development” consists of ten major elements. Nine of these are investments and one is cultural. The renewal works focus on the western part of the specified area. The facades of two buildings, Déryné Cultural Centre (formerly Hotel Lehel) and Lehel vezér Secondary School, will be renewed and the roof structure of the cultural centre reconstructed.

Public spaces will also be reborn in the capital of the Jász region. With the reconstruction of Szentháromság square visitors will be able to enjoy new green areas, promenades and street furniture. The playground will be renewed, and in the public area in Fürdő utca there will be bicycle storage facilities and parking places facilitating traffic. An old style public toilet will also be built in the park. The main attraction of the development in Fürdő utca will be the promenade along the Zagyva river, which will connect the city branch of the river to the life of the community. A project related to the river is the reconstruction of the Stone Bridge, enabling two-way traffic on the bridge, which will significantly improve the traffic situation of the inner area.

The purpose of the cultural-type project element is to strengthen the Jasz identity and attachment of the young generation. As part of that, a book is to be published promoting the city, contests and cultural programs organized.

So far eight projects have received funding under the North Great Plain Operational Programme “Function-expanding integrated community developments”. The sum of the EU funding granted to winning applications is almost 6 billion HUF.

The other investment in the Great Plain is to be made in the town of Kunhegyes. Supported by over 239 million HUF in EU funding, the project “Function-expanding community development in the town of Kunhegyes” will involve the renewal of the cultural centre and preservation work on the Calvinist and Roman Catholic churches.

As a result of the development, the building of the market will be reborn, its shops will be made obstacle-free, parking spaces and bicycle storage facilities will be created in the vicinity of the market. Pavements will be built in Kossuth utca and in front of the cultural centre, the ratio of green areas will be increased everywhere. A recreational park with a fountain will be created in front of the Document Office.

So far six projects have received funding under the North Great Plain Operational Programme “Function-expanding integrated community developments in the most disadvantaged micro regions to be supported by complex programmes”. The sum of the EU funding awarded to winning applications exceeds 2 billion HUF.