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Biogas Plant Built at Pusztahencse with over 496 million HUF EU Funding28 October 2010

The biogas plant located outside Pusztahencse, in Földespuszta has been commissioned. In the framework of the Environment and Energy Operational Programme, the investor Mil-Power Kft. received EU funding of over 496 million HUF for the construction of the new power plant. As a result of the successful application, a project worth 1 billion HUF has been implemented.

In the framework of the “Establishment of biogas plant in Pusztahencse” over seven gigawatt hours of power is generated with the use of 40,000 tons of raw materials annually; it covers the energy needs of about two thousand households.

The new power plant will primarily process the liquid manure and waste litter generated in the neighbouring dairy farm, as well as the sweet sorghum and corn silage produced in the neighbouring agricultural areas. In the future it is planned that hazardous waste from slaughterhouses and restaurants will also be processed. The biogas plant generates green electricity, primarily by using agricultural by-products.

The completed project exploits the opportunities provided by renewable energy sources, by generating profit from the clean energy produced using agricultural by-products.

In addition to the environment-friendly utilization of the agricultural waste generated in the area, the biogas plant is also suitable for the utilization of waste from restaurants, considered a hazardous material. The organic material remaining after gas has been extracted can be used for soil amelioration. This improves the fertility of the soil in agricultural areas, without increasing the ratio of greenhouses gases in the atmosphere.

In the call for applications of the Environment and Energy Operational Programme “Support to the generation of thermal and/or electric energy from renewable energy sources” there have been forty winning projects. The EU funding awarded totals 5.7 billion HUF.