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University of West Hungary Receives Development Funding of over 4.6 billion HUF29 October 2010

In the framework of the Social Infrastructure Operational Programme, the University of West Hungary received a grant of over 4.6 billion HUF from the EU for its application aimed at the development of its building infrastructure, assets and IT equipment. As a result of the investment this institute of higher education will be renewed in four towns, on an area of 8000 square meters.

As part of the call for applications “Implementation of the infrastructure conditions of the Green University program in the University of West Hungary” the infrastructure elements hosting the educational, research and service activities related to the technical training provided by the University will meet the requirements of state-of-the-art technology.

The purpose of the complex development program is to ensure that the university increases its significance in the European educational region, becomes an international research university and enhances the domestic and international network of connections of its scientific workshops.

With the institutionalized management of technology and knowledge transfer and the exploitation of the results of research for innovation purposes, the development will contribute to increasing the economic competitiveness of the region.

The project consists of eight major elements:
- Merger of the University of West Hungary and Berzsenyi Dániel College
- Expansion of the IT Centre and server rooms of the University of West Hungary and Berzsenyi Dániel College
- Construction of a research laboratory in Sopron
- Establishment of a scientific centre in Sopron
- Establishment of Mechatronics Laboratories of Savaria University Centre
- Renewal of building “B” of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science in Mosonmagyaróvár
- Establishment of a knowledge transfer space in Győr
- Establishment of a facility for practical training in Szár

The foundation stones of the central laboratory in Sopron, to be established with a budget of 2.2 billion HUF and the Scientific Centre to be built with a budget of 340 million HUF were laid today. A state-of-the-art research laboratory will be established in the centre, in place of the laboratories scattered about the area of the University. A building to be used for research, testing, as an “incubator”, will be created with the establishment of accredited laboratories. According to the plans, the new facility will not only serve as a scientific centre, rather it will be a real open institute, with its family-friendly environment it will serve as a kind of “Palace of Wonders” of the scientific fields related to the University, where interesting scientific topics will be displayed in multimedia presentations.

The entire project is expected to be completed by the end of October 2011. So far there have been seven winners in the call for applications of the Social Infrastructure Operational Programme “Support for the developments in infrastructure and information technology necessary for the enhancement of the quality of activities of higher education". The EU funding granted to winning applications exceeds 26 billion HUF.