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Reconstruction Works Finished at the Pilgrimage Church of Máriapócs13 September 2010

The priority project “Faith and Health – cooperation between Máriapócs and Nyírbátor for developing religious tourism” with a total budget of 3.4 billion HUF was implemented with EU funding of 2.4 billion HUF in the framework of the North Great Plain Operational Programme.

The project, which was implemented in several phases, is aimed at a complex development of religious and health tourism of the two towns involved, as well as at the preservation of the region’s cultural, architectural and historic heritage.

As part of the priority project, the internal and external reconstruction of the Greek Catholic pilgrimage church of Máriapócs has been finished. The altar and the iconostasis were restored, the floor renovated, the heating and the electric systems modernised and the roof and tower frame strengthened.

The reconstruction works amounting to almost half a billion HUF included archaeological excavations of the wooden church that once stood in the place of the present church. Special attention was paid to the restoration, preservation and cleaning of the iconostasis and to the restoration of its original colours. The square in front of the church has also been reconstructed, a parking area of about 1700 square metres has been created, and candelabra and information signs have also been set up. The reconstruction is expected to bring more pilgrims and thus to increase the number of visitors by 200,000 to 250,000 annually.

The aim of the project “Faith and Health” is the renewal of the historic and religious heritage by the end of 2010. The religious sights of Máriapócs and Nyírbátor are linked in parallel to the infrastructure of medical tourism. As a result, the area’s attraction in terms of tourism is expected to increase, and more visitors will come to these two disadvantaged towns. 

The project comprises six main parts:
- Restoration and tourism development of the Basilica of Máriapócs and its environment,
- Restoration of the Calvinist Church of Nyírbátor,
- Restoration of the Minorite Roman Catholic Church in Nyírbátor,
- Creation of a Local History Promenade linking the two churches in Nyírbátor,
- Developments carried out at the Thermal Bath in Nyírbátor,
- Touristic development of the Báthori Castle.

The development of the Thermal Bath in Nyírbátor has been completed; the indoor thermal bath providing high quality services all year round was handed over in April. Carrying out tourism developments at the Báthori Castle, namely, setting up an exhibition and an interactive tourist information system is also an integral part of this priority project, which is now 90% finished. The reconstruction works of the two churches in Nyírbátor will be finished in February 2010. The Local History Promenade linking the two churches is expected to be finished by the end of September 2010.